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A member registered Dec 15, 2021

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As always I love your style and the feel of the game. I can definitely see this being really good, I love the idea of the party-based skills and almost RPG elements combined with the tile-based strategy. It's a really good framework to build upon.

Just a few of my thoughts from a player's perspective, as some feedback:

Obviously it's early days in development, so its replay-ability is a little limited. This will obviously be expanded out with content, but I think having the difficulty align with different rewards and tiers could be a good way of encouraging more playtime and more playthroughs. That kind of... 'beat the game at difficulty 1 to unlock X bonus next time, beat the game at difficulty 2 to unlock X etc'. I liked the system you have in your other games of progressively unlocking more and more ways to speed up/influence your runs; it provides incentive to keep playing over and over and I hope that finds its way into this game too.

I didn't encounter many scenes during my play-time thus far, so I am unsure if I have just not hit the content or whether it is limited (which is fine, I am just genuinely unsure whether I've seen everything or not). I probably did 6-7 runs through and kept seeing the same things with mostly the same ending text, so I'm not sure if it's just me or that was about everything there was to experience. I don't know if you can progress with certain characters (I have spoken to them all whenever there is the option and traded everything, etc). I saw 3 bedroom/voyeur scenes; I'm not sure if I just didn't RNG any of the others or that is all there is. I hope that a form of gallery will make it into the game at some point; if only just as a way to track what's been seen and whether there's anything still worth grinding a few runs to get or not.

I am looking forward to seeing the combat expanded out in the future. It does get a little bit repetitive and I personally think a fun way of encouraging variance might be to (probably much later down the line) have a system where using certain allies might advance stories/scenes with them, or being able to specialise your party and your allies a bit (maybe having weaknesses and strengths of enemies? Like an enemy having vulnerability to fire, resilience to magic, etc etc). That could make each run feel a bit different, as each time you might have to adjust your strategy based upon the random generation of enemy types and strengths/weaknesses/match ups. Might be good to encourage a bit of player choice between trying to build up a strong, balanced squad or specialising certain characters because you're trying to advance their story/etc.

Just a few thoughts, anyway. Overall I think you've got a really solid framework to build upon, but I think it's a bit hard to really get too much into it right now as after a few short playthroughs it does feel like you've sort of done everything (which will naturally change as more content is added).

I look forward to following the progress. I definitely like the direction it's going! Thanks for all your hard work and effort in bringing this to us, I wish you all the best.

This is a neat game, I definitely think it has a lot of promise. I actually liked the scenes, I've never been a big fan of the stereotypical H-scene-style and I thought there was some real personality in the making of it which was neat. The animation felt fairly smooth and I think over time (and obviously as more content is added) this could be something really great.

As far as gameplay goes it was fun and I love the rouguelike/lite (? I never know which one) aspects. Fleshing out the replayability with the items/upgrades/etc will obviously go a long way to improving that even further.

In terms of actual constructive criticism of things I think could be improved;

For me, running on a desktop PC, I couldn't make the app fullscreen, nor drag the window around (alt-enter didn't work either). The lack of menu options is a little frustrating when trying to fix things like that, I couldn't figure out if it was even possible to adjust sound volume/windowsize/fullscreen/text speed/etc or there were just no options implemented, but I think that should probably be something that is established early into development to make it easier going forward (just in my personal opinion). Initial user experience can have a massive impact on the reception of the game, you know what they say about first impressions.

I would like to be able to left click to skip through dialogue as-well as use space. I personally don't like mashing the space bar over and over (and an auto-skip with options is generally provided in these sort of games). I wouldn't mind it following the standards in that regard for text; controllable write speed, click to skip, auto-play options and a scroll-up to read previous text. It does make life a lot easier. I don't know the development side of those things but if you were able to include them, it would be a nice quality-of-life for the user.

Key-binding customisation would be nice to have in the future too, so that people can play with whatever keys (or hands) that they would like to.

All in all however, I think you're really onto something with this. Just needs some time and love. I'll be following the progress and I wish you nothing but all the success in the world with this, truly.

I have to say, I've really enjoyed this game and your other ones. Your art style is really captivating to me and the combination of NTR themes and fun mini-games/deckbattlers/etc is really entertaining. If I could be a more active supporter I would be, but for now all I can do is at least say thank you for your work, as I've truly enjoyed it (and spent a few nights playing this one and Summer Sweepers A LOT later into the evening than I should have). Genuinely fantastic games and I can't wait to see what the future has in store. I will definitely do what I can to support more in the future as I think you have a unique style and I am really looking forward to seeing more of you content as I love it. I know it's probably difficult to make a major success with the more niche interests (rather than just making another fairly standard harem VN) so I really do hope you know that your work is appreciated and enjoyed out here, truly.

Really enjoying this game. It has a personal charm to it and has some very wholesome and entertaining moments. Thank you for your work on this, I appreciate it. I had an absolute blast and can't wait ( I mean I can, but, you know) for more!

Thank you for your work on this, your dedication to the project is inspiring. The game is absolutely wonderful and I am loving everything about it, genuinely appreciate both it and you for creating it!

Loved everything about this game, honestly. Was rich, entertaining and full of engaging content. Definitely one of my all-time favourites and I appreciate all your time and effort in making something like this available for free. Thank you for your work, I genuinely enjoyed every minute of it.

I began playing this some time ago and just wanted to save that I absolutely love it. Thank you for your continued time and effort on this project, I appreciate your hard work and am always looking forward to the next update!

Seriously fantastic. Binged Once in a Lifetime, and binged this as-well. May have kept me up until 4am for multiple nights in a row, but it was oh-so worth it! I am very (but patiently) excited for more! Thank you for making this gem, especially for free, your work is genuinely appreciated.

Thank you for your work on this game; I binged it in a few sittings and had a great time. Regret that I can't do more to support it, but I hope you know that it was genuinely a great game and that your efforts are sincerely appreciated. I hope you're looking after yourself, I know this kind of ambitious project can really chew up your life so I hope you're doing well.