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A member registered May 25, 2023

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Huh, you have the uncanny ability to come up with new chapters right as I begin to wonder about them lol. That last scene has me a little emotional, ngl. Be still, my heart and all that jazz. This chapter hurt... I was sure it was gonna be one step ahead and 2 back based on where we left off in the last chapter. But then seeing Flea care, and use words and express his feelings like a real boy has been very heartwarming. And I got to threaten shitty teenagers with an ass beating, so my grouchy old self is very satisfied now. As always, looking forward to the next time! Keep yourself safe until then :).

The fervor with which I want my MC to rain fire and brimstone on everything and sow the seeds of misery and destruction in everyone while audibly cackling is a little frightening, so I can only applaud your writing and the many interesting choices for it. I'm eagerly awaiting more.

I was just wondering about when the next ep would be up. I don't think I can call myself a lurker anymore, when I keep popping out for you, lol. It was lovely to get to know more of Flea's past, it put some things into perspective and I enjoyed seeing some more bits and pieces of the world building. It was also nice to see how organically Flea is evolving - or, well, was evolving, at least. We're only on chapter 4, so I'm leery of what misery this spells for the future. But I like to look at this partly as Flea's sort-of-bildungsroman - the trials and tribulations come with the territory, so the crisis can only set-up for a beautiful pupation. Hopefully.

Just popping out of lurkdom to say thanks for another great one. Ted meeting Flea was by far my fave moment and I'm so looking forward to many more awkward meetings between these 2.

I don't usually comment on things, as I'm a little curmudgeonly and prefer to show my support with money (you know, like the shite absent father except the female version), but I just wanted to drop a quick note to say that I'm absolutely hooked on this, and I can't wait to see more. I also want to especially commend you and thank you for giving us an MMC in their mid-thirties, it's really appreciated it. I can't tell you how many times I see love interests in their early 20s and have to nope out of there, cuz not to yuck anybody's yum, but I'm too damn old for that shit and can't relate at all.

I'm telling you, the squeak I squawked when I saw the dev note announcing this. And now it's here and it's absolutely perfect.

Lol, who hurt you, my dude? That chip on your shoulder ain't a pretty sight.

The constant switch between tenses (from present simple to past simple) in the narration really threw me off and, unfortunately, it kind of ruined the immersion for me. I barely made it past naming the character. I'm sure it's a lovely story, but in its current state it's not for me. I'll certainly check up on it in the future, once it's a little bit more polished ^_^. Best of luck in the meantime!