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Nebula Pixel Art

A member registered 36 days ago · View creator page →

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Thank you! For the interest and that you like my work, but sorry, but currently I work only on my days off, that's why it's my hobby at the moment, but thanks for the offer.

Basically, I make them myself :3

I get inspired by AI, and then I do it for myself.

Hi, if I know what you mean it is not the first time it happens, it is a problem of, you would do me a big favor to communicate with about this problem because it is not the first time it happens, but meanwhile send me an email with a screenshot of the purchase to this email "" and I will send you .rar with everything you bought.

Hi, thanks for your interest and the answer is that no, the spritesheet is for example if instead of using it as an item for the inventory use it to put it in the environment.

Hi, thanks for your interest, but sorry, I can't, as they take 30% off for card.

Thank you for purchasing, I have already made the 2 reimbursements, enjoy!
