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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Review for Animon Multiverse: 

I recently played the tutorial level available in the latest demo of Animon Multiverse, and I have to say from the start, it had me hooked from the first second to the last. It gives you a flashback to the good old retro graphics and pixel art styles of yesteryear as soon as you start the game. Pokémon fans in particular will be very happy about this.

Right at the start, it offers you the opportunity to explore freely in the town where you start, have a few nice conversations and find out what you can do.

As soon as you enter the doctor's laboratory, the first thing you get is your starting Animon, which you can choose. We have fire, water and plant. Once we have decided which starter we want, our journey through the world begins with a task.

Right from the start, I felt the urge to catch all the Animons that are available in the individual areas, and I immediately lost myself in leveling them up. So I was only busy leveling once, but also exploring the towns/villages and the surrounding forest section. Once I was well leveled up, I wanted to get started on the quest the doctor gave me, and it was an epic and fascinating journey I got to experience. It was mixed with losing battles, which were great fun. 

But I also managed to win a few battles along the way. At the end of this journey, there was even a legendary battle against a legendary Animon, which I even successfully caught! I was also able to chat with the developer, who was in the chat, about further content to come, updates and other aspects of the game! Overall, I would now like to come to my rating, which I'm sure will surprise a few people. I give Animon Multiverse a smooth 10/10 points! I am very happy about the full version of this game and will follow its development with great anticipation.

Regards Nebelpelz

Verstehe ok, dann werde ich mir das mal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen das Spiel :-D

Ich Vermisse etwas ein YouTube-Video, wo man einen kleinen Ingame Teaser hat, wäre es möglich das man sowas nachreicht?