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A member registered Jul 06, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hark, for I hath attained a second shirt and leave to wash on Sundays! Thy game wast very much excitement!

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From what I could play it was really well done. However, the game kept getting stuck on a black screen after certain events.


- The first stuck black screen was after I picked up the key in the bathroom by using the pliers. The screen faded to black like it was loading, but then just stayed black and the music kept playing. I couldn't click anything except exit or fullscreen mode.

-The second time, it was right after I picked up the pliers, the screen faded to black, but instead of loading the basement, it just stayed black and, as before, kept playing the music but I was unable to click anything except exit or fullscreen mode.

It's got potential, there's a ton of game design balances that need to happen such as adjusting the length of time the fire burns (it's too short now), how long batteries last (too short - could be tied to a difficulty setting), and other QoL adjustments such as being able to drag to select multiple code-nodes.

I don't like how the connecting lines do that automatic squiggly look when connecting nodes. I do, however, like the idea of an node that doesn't do anything which allows you to organize the connections, make one of those that also works for the location data of variables and make the lines just be straight and that would be significantly better than it is now. 

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Looks like there's a bug when trying to click on the target component dropdown menu, it just closes the menu altogether and you can't select anything. Otherwise, really fun game, very well done!