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A member registered Oct 01, 2023

Recent community posts

As a user who has been enjoying Weiss for about a month now, I want to express my gratitude for this fantastic simulator. It has been an incredibly helpful tool for new players like me to practice and test out new decks from the comfort of our homes.

I also have a suggestion to enhance the platform even further. I've been contemplating the possibility of introducing a 'Fast Battle Mode' within the Command Line Interface (CLI) specifically for AI versus AI battles. This mode would eliminate the graphical screen interface, resulting in a text-based display of actions. It could also offer an option to log the action data, creating log files for each battle. This feature would enable users to review the results and analyze the outcomes more effectively.

Additionally, I'm exploring the feasibility of allowing AI entities to engage in a set number of games while tracking their win statistics. I've taken the initiative to delve into the AI files to investigate the potential of adding more AIs, each with its unique priority and play style configuration. I believe these enhancements could take the platform to new heights and would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this idea.