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A member registered Dec 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Such a cute little story, I had a lot of fun reading it. :D A very charming artstyle, too! Soleil is such a sweetheart.

Congrats on finishing this project, and thank you for sharing it! <3

Such a cute little VN, I love how soft and wholesome it is! <3 Thank you for writing and sharing such interesting stories with us, Pri.

When Paris showed his mp3 player and said nobody uses those anymore, I was like... "HA! I have a very similar-looking mp3 and I still use it all the time, too." High five to you, my man! xD

Oh, I see. :0 Perhaps it's a matter of turning on preferences for adult content on your Steam account itself, then? Because when I'm logged into the NBS account, I also get the message that "1 item has been excluded based on your preferences", while I can see the patch just fine on my personal account. 

Here's the link to the patch itself, if you'd like to check out if it opens up for you at all.

Yes, it's the additional text patch that you have in mind - and it's available on Steam at this point, too.

Glad you don't mind the lack of CGs - we had to make some creative decisions with the patch and it just seemed like the better option for us back at the time (we explain that in more detail in one of the comments on the patch's page over here on itch if you're interested in checking it out). We hope you enjoy it for what it is!

Hey there! If you're playing the game over on Steam, then the patch is also available there as free  DLC at this point - you can simply enable it from there, too, with no manual copypasting of any files needed. :) 

Finally got around to playing thisss! And it was such an amazing ride! ; u ; Carrot, how did you manage to make something so polished, so well-written and so well-animated in the span of a month...? ; A ; Did you get any sleep at all?? I will be forever amazed by your presentation skills and how you set up scenes together with the music, this is seriously some top-tier stuff.

There are a couple of things that surprised me in this (and I mean that in the most positive way)! Great touch with presenting it as a DnD campaign, and then... subverting our expectations on it?? When the first question from the eye monster dropped, it had me laughing out loud. xD That was simply brilliant. As was Bucks going all berserker mode on both the rabbits AND the door. And that whole last location and the shenanigans happening inside? Seriously, you had so many good ideas for this, along with that bit after the credits roll... It makes me happy to see that this could indeed somehow tie into the main story. Perhaps it could have been a cycle that Jerry influenced with his wishes the most, somehow? xd

And if the scope of the project wasn't big enough already, you even went and included character routes??

Obviously, I had to go for Orlam's first... The glitching thing during the fight with the rabbits caught me totally off-guard (I legit had a @ w @ moment) and while at first it had me wondering if it had something to do with the DnD cast glitching out of existence as well, it turned out that thing only happened in Orlam's route, so then I assumed it was just a way of showing that his "illusion" spell was wearing off? And regarding that - I'm not sure if it's some kind of DnD-related lore I didn't catch on, but what were Orlam's eyes supposed to be hiding? Was it some kind of hint for him being royalty? Something to do with the rabbits? It still has me wondering, but I loved his route overall, this mysterious detail included.

I loved Ghent's character and route, as well. ; u ; I think his ending was the most powerful of all the boys', all things considered... it might have made me tear up a little, even. I really liked his interactions with Iggy and how things developed there overall. Iggy and Gidget can be sweet under the right circumstances... *sudden Arc 2 flashbacks* xD;

And Genzou, of course, never stops being 'da man'. While Orlam remains my favorite character in the story, I'm still rooting for Genzou the most, since I think his interactions with Iggy have the most potential for wholesomeness. Genzou really cares, and it shows. Aside from this, I'm also a big fan of Genzou and Orlam interactions because they are usually a goldmine of witty fuckupery. xD Glad to have experienced more of that here, as well! And it was nice seeing more of Hunar and Bucks. :)

In conclusion: really great job, Carrot. You're putting a really cool thing to life and it's a joy getting to experience these characters as they are - thank you for sharing them with us in all the forms you're sharing them in. Kudos!

Finally got around to playing it! And... damn, I loved this so much. T_T

Carrot, the way you play around with animations and build the scenes with them is reaching godlike levels, this is so good. And I know I've mentioned this before, but I have to say it again - I ADORE your art style. It grew on me so much in the meantime, I consider it a really cool unique trait of yours that characterizes your work. It works really well with materializing your visions, too - you just have THE TOUCH, if that makes sense. :D The music you picked for this makes for an amazing atmosphere altogether, as well.

I love the concept of this, I love the endings, and I love how the start menu changes depending on which one of those endings you get... I admit one of them made me stop and stare at the screen for like 5 minutes. Just taking it all in. That was intense. The good kind of intense. Well, I already love Orlam as a character so getting more of him basically made my day. xD

Thank you for making this!! <333

I couldn't sleep tonight, so I figured I'd give this a try... and I kind of ended up binge-reading it till 10 am, haha ^^;;;

Damn, the legends were true, Yuel really IS a mess. :D And I like Tavi's more serious and caring side a lot, but it probably works so well precisely because he's a chirpy asshole most of the time. Very lovable boys, both of them.

I've already mentioned liking the art, but I also liked the story progression and pacing in this one a lot. Kudos, ebi, and thank you for sharing all the fluff and all the delicious angst with us. This was a very enjoyable read!

I've been nibbling on Unluckily in Love here and there, but I don't think I'm even halfway through that one yet (I've been in a bit of a reading/gaming slump in general lately, so the spontaneity in this one was a nice surprise). I'm also looking forward to seeing how things develop between the two of them over there. :)

Thank you so much for playing! We're super glad to hear you enjoyed it! :)

I played the demo, and I enjoyed it a lot! I find it cool that you guys put everything together like this despite a lot of the assets still being placeholders. The project itself already shows that there's been put a lot of heart into it. Kudos!

I was sad to hear you guys are canceling the Kickstarter, but I also understand where you're coming from. I will patiently wait for your return with an even more polished campaign. 

Killing/mystery games are one of my favorite genres of games out there, so I'd like to wholeheartedly support you guys on this project. It's really cool that you're working on this. I'm interested to see what you'll have in store for us! :)

Thank you for playing and for the kind words! :) We're glad you enjoyed it!

Crowe seems like a very fun character... I love his expressions. :D Very much looking forward to the full game. ^^

We're currently doing our best to make that happen. Thanks for looking forward to it! :)

I keep hearing good things about that game, I'll need to give it a try sometime!
Thank you kindly for sharing your thoughts with us, we appreciate it - and we're super glad you enjoyed it! :)

Oooh! I just went to double-check by playing the game from the beginning, and I think I now know where the confusion came from - the first time we get to choose who to call and only Genzou picks up. I thought THAT was the deciding choice for the routes (since only his route was released at the time and the other characters don't pick up even if you do call them, I simply assumed they would once you kept adding the arcs). So I've been still playing Arc 1 all this time while thinking it was Arc 2 already! ...Meaning that I need to call Genzou a 2nd time AFTER that whole adventure and ending to get on this route now! Oooh! I simply clicked on Orlam at this point and I noticed the prompt that it would start Arc 3, it didn't even cross my mind to double-check Genzou since I thought I already finished his arc. Now I see that I didn't. So I still have the whole Arc 2 ahead of me! @w@ Sorry for the confusion, everything makes sense now. xD I feel silly but also happy since this means I actually still have more content to explore than I thought, haha.

Well, your comment made my day in turn, so yay! :D Nothing better than spreading the indiedev love!

Hi again, Carrot! This time I have a question - where does Arc 1 end, specifically? I assumed Arc 1 goes up to the moment when we need to make the call, but after reading some other people's comments regarding Arc 2, and having them mention things I definitely haven't seen for myself, I'm currently wondering if I haven't missed something and jumped ahead in the story. Does Arc 1 have its own path and ending? If so, how can I access it in this current build? Or are there actually different endings for arcs depending on the choices?

I stayed up till 4am playing yesterday because I couldn't un-glue myself from this game, and managed to reach the end of Arc 2... wow, that was such a wild ride. The ending was so emotional. And all the flashbacks just broke my heart into pieces. ;w; Lovely presentation of scenes as always. I've barely started Arc 3 now, and holy shit, somebody give Orlam a hug. I love this broken ratman to bits and I'm so excited to explore his arc further.

I haven't finished playing your current build yet (I'm right after encountering Gidget and reaching the castle), but I wanted to leave you a comment and let you know that I'm officially a fan of your project. (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) I saw some of your posts on Twitter and there's just been something about your art that got me drawn to your game... It didn't want to leave my mind for days before I finally got around to playing it. And needless to say, it was a very nice surprise, since I ended up enjoying it way more than I thought I would.

I really like your writing and the way you present things, and I absolutely adore the sound/music design you implemented into the scenes (the eye/tongue action and Genzou's "imaginary" screams were top notch especially). A lot of the story elements feel very relatable, and you made it easy to emphasize with Iggy's mindset. That whole scene with Gidget was so intense and well presented, kudos for that.

Also, I don't know what it is, but I basically fell in love with Orlam after barely a couple of lines into his character introduction... so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what's in store with him further into the game. Why is it always the weirdos? xD

While I have no idea where Act 2 ends yet, I'm excited about your release of Act 3, too! Best of luck with everything! I'll be sure to give you more feedback once I get to the end, as well!

I made all the 3D assets in Blender completely from scratch. :D I'm glad you like them, thank you!

Thanks for playing! You can adjust the speed in the settings. :)

Hope you enjoy it! :)

Thanks for such a detailed review! It's great to hear you enjoyed the game so much, I really appreciate it! :)

Yes, this patch works with both the Steam and itch versions of the game. :)

I'm very glad to hear it! Thank you! :)

This was an interesting read, thanks for sharing. :D Now I'm even more curious what the full version of the game will throw at us.
PS. I think you misspelled Misato there. ;)

On a complete side note, it's really uncanny how coincidences work sometimes, because literally some two days ago I was looking for some drawing references for BS and I stumbled upon a certain Eva fanart that depicted exactly what I was looking for...

Thank you kindly for playing! We're glad to hear you had fun with the game! :)

I'm glad to hear that! Thank you! :)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)

Thank you for playing, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! :)
I'd love to make a continuation for SoulSet one of these days, so it might happen sometime in the future. For now, Blankspace and Whiteheart Woods are in line to get finished first.

Hello! Yes, Marco's default route has one green clue to find - you'll get it by agreeing to take a bath with him, kissing him, then sharing the bed, but then also agreeing to keep your distance when he asks you to after all that. That should unlock a new scene and also give you the green clue once you manage to get to the end of the route with those choices taken.

Hope that helps!

Thank you kindly for playing! :) I'm glad you liked it!

Thank you for mentioning Blankspace! :)
And don't worry about delays - they always happen with bigger projects, because there's no possible way for you to have absolutely everything under control - especially with first projects. So simply try to embrace the experience and learn from it. Your future projects will go smoother. :)
Remember - if gamedev was easy, everybody would be doing it.

One of the main reasons why I create my games is to tell stories. Chris and Beryl are distinct characters (with their own backgrounds which will be explored through the course of the game), and it's important that this story is experienced from Chris' perspective for the main part of it. 

I plan to keep creating games, and I'm sure some of them will have female protagonists - it all depends on what works more at that point in time, for that specific project.

If having a female protagonist is important to you, you can give SoulSet a try (my first project that's already been released) - there's a strong female lead there.

Hope that helps and thank you for the kind words! :)

I'm glad to hear you like it! :) Thank you for playing!

Congrats on releasing the demo! :)

I'm stuck on the very first room though, and it feels like I'm missing something in regards to item usage (nothing happens when I click on the thing beside the door and the ventilation shaft, and inspecting the window cleaner tool doesn't seem to do anything, either.)

Also, you might mention that it's necessary to unplug any gamepads you might have,  since having a controller plugged in at all makes the camera go haywire when you start up the game (it took me a while to figure out what was wrong despite the mention that controller support is still worked on.)

I really like what you did with the modeling. The start menu and the exploration segments look great.
The jumps between the 3D models and the photos are a bit jarring, though - have you maybe considered using your 3D models to show them off from different angles, similar to what you have with the photos? That way the style of the game could be kept more consistent and I think the overall presentation could benefit from that.
The GUI and writing itself could probably use more work since it didn't really hold my interest as much as the atmosphere of the game itself did.
Overall this seems like a promising project nevertheless, and I'm looking forward to seeing how you develop it further. Kudos! :)