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A member registered Feb 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey!!. I like this game.. Is very entertaining and easy to play. I hope you will come up with a sequel. We all need to find 2019 after all!

Absolutely! My pack of adult dipers are waiting for a full release! :))

Congrats, you made it to my comedy series. I really injoy playing it, is a very calm, relaxing game.. Keep up the good work!

Congrats. Your game made it to my comedy series. Have to say that the atmosphere is really intense.. and I legit got scared  many moments. They say you can't poop your pants of fear but this game might prove it wrong.

Carefully created you can make this a hit!

Congrats. Your game made it to my comedy series.  I really enjoy playing it, really getting one into the story  and the camera rewind idea i find it brilliant!. Keep going with it!

Interesting game to play!

Very cool game!!

Very cool game! Hope to see full levels soon !!

Great game with nice steampunk atmosphere! Here is a demo I did playing it.