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Naughty Mono

A member registered May 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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FYI: If you want a guaranteed escape from the house, turning down the family photo on your desk in your bedroom is practically mandatory so that you can easily get Dad's front door key from his dresser without a sweat.

Ahahahaha!! Oh my GOD! Nothing short of insanely hilarious! XD

Thank you, and you're welcome!! :)

My favorite character endings:

Hiro: Pig TF

Tori: Awaken her inner glutton

Victoria: Golden egg

Hannah: Cowberry

Caleb: Lazy VR

Player: Chocolate pig TF

Gollllyyyyy! So cute and hot! Love it!

I love the overwhelmingly positive portrayal of plus-sized people, and how free and liberal the hot sex scenes are with the fun of reading between each different POV! Keep up the amazing work!!


Got Ending 2/7 on my first playthrough.

Really atmospheric, and great replayability value! Love it!

Glad you really like it! Thank you! <3


Awww, thank you very much! I'm touched! ^_^

Thank you! :)