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A member registered Jun 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I also like the concept. I just didn't know what was happening for the most part. Sometimes I could place an arrow, sometimes I couldn't. Maybe if it were more obvious when or how to place arrows? Fun music and sounds though!

I’ve got a handful. I’m looking at it two ways- things that can be used for a variety of purposes and things that have a certain number of uses before they’re used up. I thought of a potion-making game where ingredients can be combined in different ways to create potions with different effects. Or a game like BotW where your weapons degrade and eventually break- maybe every weapon has a unique effect or play style that you have to strategize when to use. But I guess it all depends on what the theme is.

For sure! I’m certainly going to flesh it out and keep working on it after the jam :)

Alright, I've fixed it up so you should be able to play through to the end now! And I figured out how to embed the pck file into the game itself, so just one download.

Sounds good! Am I allowed to do bug fixes at this point or wait until voting is over?

Thank you! I was seeing that error a lot but it wasn’t affecting the game when I ran it so I didn’t think too much about it. So dang it haha And I will definitely zip them together in the future!

Did you download the pck file as well? It’s my first time exporting a game so there’s probably a better way to do it but it should work if you have both files.