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A member registered Sep 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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So I'm going to try to participate in this game jam as I want to try to get into game writing. Besides me I have a programmer. I just need an artist and a animator and maybe someone to do the music and sound effects. Anyone interested?

feel to add me on discord


(1 edit)

-nice main menu music

-sexy pause menu

-ice level breaks(I know it is fixed. these thought are from before)

-n64 nostalgia b last

-could use minimap

(1 edit)

+night mode

+like sound effects

+ like the use of selling

-can be hard to mentally process all the enemies 

- could use more resolution options

-like music

-like how bodies become your passage way

-level selection can be hard to navigate

-got stuck under bodies a few times

-fun addicting game play

How long is this demo?

-like character portraits
-nice main menu
-like red arrows
-tight spaces
-fps dips when there are too many explosions
-like level design
-would love to see a full game

If your instrested you can check my vod at 

How can I contact you to let you know the details?

Do you guys have a twitter so I can reach out to you. I would like to stream your game this week. I like to interact with devs while I stream their games.

really like menu
like art style
like animations
nice enemy design
fantastic art direction

I had a lot of fun with this game with this game.

-like music
-like cooking mechanics
-minimap would be nice
-it's easy to get ganged up
-uncertain what to do at certain points
-like heir system

I don't have an Instagram. I mostly use twitter. 

Do you have any social media?

Fun game. It's nice and relaxing. I also like the message of how the little things we do can affect people greatly.

okay. The reson I asked was I plan to stream your game probably Thursday. Also I do highly recommend to get a twitter but that's just me.

Do you have a twitter?

I really enjoyed this story. I found it very cute and bittersweet. My only problem was transition from one to another.  

I enjoyed this game! Too bad I couldn't get past the first level. I really like the music and menu design.