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A member registered Jan 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

My advice: Slow down the predators and increase their detection. When the player is out of sight, the sound the player makes leads the predators to continue their search. In this case, how the player controls his steps becomes very important.

If possible, I hope to add some hiding places to the map

(1 edit)

Currently, predators rely too much on sight and too little on hearing.  As a result, players can usually escape capture by simply turning a corner.,and almost no punishment for running all the time.

Before considering additions, the most important thing is to optimize and improve the existing game flow. It's still a little rough at the moment.

There are too many Charlotto cards in the deck.   The value setting may be faulty. 

Kayla is so weak and expensive to develop that most of the time she can only eat 1 or 2 Score of flies. 

2 hp cards are missing from the menu, my previous suggestion was to change Vixie to 2 hp. 

Ten turns is a bit short, but simply adding more turns can change the balance, which needs to be taken into account. 

The current version of Nexxi should be the strongest card.   It even developed its own genre.   But I hope Cristina and Kayla get more appearance opportunities. 

I also suggest adding an infinite shuffle button at the beginning of the game.