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A member registered Apr 10, 2023

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I created an account specifically to write this comment, so be prepared for a somewhat lengthy comment. Before this, (and probably after) I tended to just download games off here and be on my way, since the quality can vary quite a bit. I wasn't expecting too much out of it, but I saw that it had been updated recently, so I thought I'd give it a whirl, thought I might get an hour or two out of it.

Holy shit.

I was not expecting what I got in the slightest.  This is, bar YOMI Hustle's beta release, the best game I've ever gotten off this website by leaps and bounds. It has a good story, what feels like balanced combat to my amateur RPG player brain, comedy and humor that feels like it was written for me specifically, and incredible characters. That last bit is probably what stood out to me the most. Because, god, the character writing. 

To start with, Amber is by far the most based protagonist I've ever seen. As someone who's struggled with my own gender identity and who's also gradually transitioning MTF, I absolutely adore her for her confidence, her crackheaded energy, and also her unique talents, which were why I picked up this game in the first place. She, along with all of the main and supporting cast, feel like real people, and it genuinely feels like a bunch of college kids just trying to make the best of what they've got.  They ever record their day-to-day life and upload it to help people stay up to date and keep hoping. (Speaking of which, how has Amber not gotten their channel slapped by the copyright bots yet? I'd imagine it's hard to get a channel appeal during the apocalypse.)

I could easily gush about every other character in this game to some extent, from Janet's reluctance about accepting her new body and her take-no-shit mom friend energy, to Rachel's inferiority complex and desire to prove to herself that she can beat Amber at SOMETHING, all the way down to John's feelings that he's worthless and can't do anything useful. Keep your chin up, little guy! I'm sure the dev has plans for you in the future! The rivalry between Amber and Rachel is actually really engaging, because I can relate to both sides. On Amber's side, she's just trying to keep her friends safe and the campus out of danger, and her nonchalant attitude towards the whole thing is just her trying to keep a positive outlook. It's mainly perpetuated by Rachel, who wants revenge for the sake of her own ego, forcing Amber to defend herself for herself and her friends (or just her stomach and pride), forcing them into an endless loop. I can empathize with Rachel, mostly because one of my personal pet peeves is someone being able to accomplish something that I've spent a lot of time and hard work building up to much more easily. It stings when someone's better at something than you, and I hope Rachel can take Amber's "do it for yourself" advice moving forward. 

Also, touching on the actual fetish stuff (wow, imagine talking about the reason you actually got the game), it also delivers in spades. All the scenes are exactly what I wanted coming into the experience, and the slow build to Amber and crew's skills and stomach capacity are very satisfying. I made this review partly to gush about Amber, because I think my friends are starting to get tired of me ranting about her. You can only call a character "the embodiment of human perfection" and "the epitome of beauty" so many ways before you have to take a step back and quietly scream into your pillow. Have I mentioned how much I love Amber?

Tl;dr? Based game, I'd give it an 8/10, 9/10 when it's finished if the quality stays consistent throughout.  To the dev, Zenthicks, this game slaps. Judging by the time taken between updates, it's impressive that you've made this much in this amount of time. Keep up the good work.