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A member registered Feb 14, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hello again! Thank you for another great issue.

I have found a typo in the Key-Lock adventure “The last supper” -> “You’re friend” should be “Your friend”.

Thank you

Que te digan "¡Tírame del dedo!" en una sesión de espiritismo y que al tirar acabes con un dedo ajeno en la mano. ¡Gran aporte a la jam!

Me ha gustado mucho. Yo creo que este se podría ampliar a un tríptico y sería genial para jugar en trenes y aviones. O quizá una carta para exploración, otra para encuentros y una tercera con las instrucciones. Anímate a hacerlo, que tiene pinta incluso de poder tener su propia jam para hacerle expansiones :)

Gracias por tu comentario. Ya nos contarás qué tal fue y si seguís siendo amigos :P

¡Gracias por comentar! Si lo pruebas, no dudes en contarme qué mejorar. Ojalá te guste

Found it! Thanks. The Feed section is indeed not very prominent in this web design. 

I have been following you for 53 days and I cannot see your posts in the developer logs. I also normally receive an email when someone I follow writes something… Could you please share a link to your latest post? Thanks

Sigo trabajando en ella. Febrero y marzo me vinieron con muchas gripes pero ya estoy mejor y sigo traduciendo. Te avisaré cuando la tenga

Glad to help! Just a question: at the beginning of the issue you say:

“Over the last couple weeks there has been a change of vision as it relates to the zine’s design and path forward. If you read the biweekly posts then you're already familiar with this news.”.

Where can I find those posts? Do you have a blog?


(4 edits)

Hi! Thanks for the new issue!

I have noticed a few typos, in case you are still on time to correct them:

- page 6, chapter Asking the Question, in the second paragraph: “Its simple and can be answer with random tables.”. It should be “answered”.

- page 7, chapter Asking the Question, in the last paragraph of the left column: “More often than nought”. It should be “not”.

- page 7, chapter Asking the Question, in the last paragraph of the left column: “Keep answers you like and mark off ones you dont.”. It should be “don’t”.

- page 17, table of NPCs at the right: “Sabatoge”. It should be “Sabotage”.

- page 17, table of gossips: “Supernatural. Crewmembers effected by the recent solar flares”. It should be “affected”.

- page 18, table of creature behaviors: “…as its head slowly moves to and fro, looking at things unseen.”. It should be “from”.

Thanks again. I have liked the key-lock adventure and its random tables. 

Every month I am waiting for this magazine :)

Keep up with the good work!

Este es un gran hack de Jerséis de Erizo que he disfrutado mucho jugando ya que te da la suficiente información para poder montar una historia pero te da mucha flexibilidad para elegir qué tipo de historia quieres crear. 

Estoy deseando que Zeta saque alguna versión más.

Can I take the torch? I have already created the Character Keeper so Having everything in Spanish would be fantastic.

Updated! Thank you!

Great! Is there anything you would like to be improved?

(1 edit)

Hi! I am currently creating an online Character Keeper for this game and I have a question regarding the Forsworn archetype: in the move "Sworn Oaths" it says "For each oath you swear to your patron, choose a Power appropriate to your patron.".

Is this "Power" a reference to the Mystic's Power move? In this case, can a player choose the Power "… add +1 , once or more per roll ( how?)" too?


P.D.: This is the template for the Character Keeper in its 1.1 version:

Wow! Thank you very much for this explanation. Your ideas are fantastic! 

Hi! This is a great game and I am enjoying much! Could you please tell me how to create a Monk? I thought I would use the Mystic playbook but the Inflict Harm move says 

“Roll 3 dice. If you inflict harm …

• … with magic, use the highest die

• … with crude violence, use the lowest die

and if you are exploiting a weakness, add +1”

So it does not the best playbook to play a martial artist with fast movement and some magical powers.

How would you create a monk? Thanks.

I would love to see that Spanish version!

Una idea genial. Felicidades.

En la versión en español, los títulos que tienen una “o” acentuada (Ó) sale como “Y”.

Not Reviewed: A Review About 0 players


To get the final review score just roll 2d6 and use the resulting prompts:

1-3I haven't played it beacuse of its price
I won more than I lost so I like it
4-6I lost more than I won so I don't like it
I enjoy it even if I am not playing it

Great table! Number 5 is missing on the Emotions table, just before "Uncertainty" :)