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A member registered Nov 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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hello, just started playing. love the game. 

although the poltergeist enemy is a little weird, and not very straightforward. I'm guessing it's supposed to be a more difficult enemy, but i don't think it's supposed to be a 'break the game' kind of enemy. 

I put all my characters in the same spot, Raine has fury and boiling blood, and the other two have thorns. somewhere along the way that translates to infinite damage followed by gaining a lot of permanent corruption, and the reference log filling with "you defeated a reference poltergeist"  Trying to leave the spot breaks the game again with the following message:

[center]The event stack size exceeded 100! This PROBABLY means that some combination of effects is causing an infinite loop.

This probably would have crashed the game, but it has been forcibly cut off here instead. The following is a copyable list of the 5 most recent CCTs on the stack. You should report this information along with any other context you can add.[/center]


Character class: AllyToken

Information: {amount:1, room:[Reference:221139], source:negative_stat_gain, stat:8}


Character class: AllyToken

Information: {amount:10, floor:Experiments_Reference, monster:[Reference:221140], room:[Reference:221139], source:{dungeon_event_ID:RE_ReferencePoltergeist_Defeated, tags:[event, monster]}, stat:INJURY, target:allalliesinmonsterroom, triggered_by:[Reference:377721]}


Character class: AllyToken

Information: {defeated:[Reference:221140], defeated_particle:res://assets/particles/BossMonsterRoomDefeatParticle.tscn, defeated_sound:res://assets/sound/SFX/EventSound/die.ogg, monster:[Reference:221140], room:[Reference:221139], source:[Reference:221262], triggered_by:[Reference:377712]}


Character class: Map

Information: {damage_amount:2.2, monster:[Reference:221140], sex_damage:False, source:[Reference:221262], source_character:AllyToken:[KinematicBody2D:221188], triggered_by:[Reference:377711], visibleifunexplored:False}


Character class: AllyToken

Information: {amount:[{operation:+, value:%ally_stat%CORRUPTION_TOTAL}, {operation:*, value:0.1}], monster:current_room_monster, room:[Reference:221139], source:[Reference:221262], source_character:AllyToken:[KinematicBody2D:221188], triggered_by:[Reference:377702]}

I'm personally a fan. A lot of these kinds of games default to the reserved, ambiguous, easy-to-self-insert type of protagonist. So it's a refreshing change of pace when the MC has actual character, allowing for their conversations with the rest of the cast to feel a little more like genuine dialogue, rather than a detached observer.

I mostly use only discord servers as a meme dispensary anyway, so...

Oh boy, an SRPG by my favorite erotic game dev? Yes, PLEASE!

Shame about KS

Dammit, this looks awesome

When are you going to fix the math on the -$42069 thing? It's off by $1000

Yay new content

Will there be a bad end scene for losing to Arwin?

the revenue and expenses total is off by $1000

Thanks, I didn't mean to come off as critical, I really enjoyed your game. But I just didn't know where else to report bugs

on level 4-3, I picked up a bunny right where the wine bottle starts its cycle. I die so fast that I can't open the menu, and the time doesn't decrease. The only way to break the cycle is to force quit the game.

version 4.2.0 released on 4/20? Coincidence? Yeh, maybe I guess. Blaze it

How about body worship?  Not necessarily in a BDSM context. It's just that there are some fairly fit characters in this game, so I would spring for a chance to go exploring/be explored with a nod to the effort it takes to look *that* good

It still says "Zombie's Retreat is brought to you for free!" Which is a little less true, now that the full game is out

I can't not see Cam as Jesse Eisenberg.

I think I'm getting a softlock in combat when my character enters combat drunk, then gets hit by the tentacle immobilize attack