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A member registered Oct 27, 2023

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guys i got a problem 

ya'll know the ad thing in the corner?

i don't got it there so i cant buy the traditional armour

help pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

dude wdym what hack do i download

pls sm1 help me get party torso 


(1 edit)

no :/

sm1 was helpin me but then at the last step he told me to do i got kicked from the squad and i cant join his squad anymore >:(

:( sm1 pls help me get the "you shall party" shirt i been askin for help since 3 days ago

when i try to get the you shall party shirt i dont get it

will it just appear in the shop or do i have to buy it or something?

oh ok XD been doin it wrong the whole time 

will it just appear i the shop?

can someone pls help i changed the date to march 11 and reloaded but still didnt get the shirt that says "you shall party"

idk if im doin it wrong pls help me

the heck is this for


 well someone else pls help ._.


guys when i change the date to march 11 and i restart i still dont get the shirt that says "you shall party"

someone pls help

I think this is a good idea to have fun grinding

+0 subscriber -_-

is there a way to suggest changes for the game apart from discord?

im SO happy i was there. this game has gone so far and i like it

nice to see that the world is functioning normally

omg its the only crosshair i can play well with. is that a skill issue? XD

the chat still needs work as i am able to say the s-word, but finding more words to censor is as far as we can take it ig

when nobody had eyes, everyone had armor, and we all used the 2 bow which is the best weapon in the game  :)

see this is why i have issues with the elo system. i don't know ALL the ins and outs but i'm going to assume that wins = more elo points and losses = less elo points. just because a player wins doesn't mean that they are skilled. see, i could have gotten a defeat after a long-ass game, but i also could've heaped a ton of points because of all the kills i've made. in that situation, i am skilled, even though i ultimately was defeated. so i don't think rating a player based solely on their winning/losing a game is accurate, and all for the sake of server management.

i do recognize that i did not read the wikipedia article linked in the most recent update (for reference this post was made on 10/30/2023), so i could be missing some things. maybe the elo system really isn't just based solely on wins and losses. maybe there are more factors involved that i was unaware of simply because they were left out for brevity or some other reason. i didn't make the game; i don't plan to dig deep into its mechanics; therefore, i'm pinning my argument on assumptions, which is foolish, i know. but it's just something that i wanted to bring up. 

the most important reason is perhaps this: is a game in constant development, and trust me, it gets better with every update--it really does. so that being said, i realize that the current version of this game is not the final product, and there will be more to come. sorry if i'm contradicting myself, but this isn't really an issue that needs to be addressed ASAP. there will always be updates, tweaks, and improvements. per aspera ad astra.

if you have any suggestions, nitpicks, or if you know how to get in touch with pelican, please let me know! (just no discord please lol)

hey so im getting these words at the bottom of my screen

does anyone know how to fix this? the other features still eventually pop up. fyi im on mobile. i share this account with SoUncivilized. 


holy god bro

when me and someone else are charging at each other with melee, at least i hold the button before releasing to get the perfect timing. but on mobile i will appear to be a tryhard. 

anyways my elo is negative (not super low, above -100 for sure) cuz i focus on kills not flags


i dont

how does the game count the elo by wins and defeats or kills and deaths?

whats the union? is it an important clan? if it is then yes i agree

a couple questions i have...

1. how do you join the clan n1? does n1 even refer to a clan or is it just a nickname for the game itself?

2. how do you find out your elo?