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N1 Noob Killer

A member registered Feb 23, 2023

Recent community posts

Hi everyone, I won't be  playing N1 any longer because I changed to a better game. If you guys wanna try it, it's called "War Thunder".

I will play N1 sometimes when I can't play war thunder.

Thank you all for the support of this community.

I'll try to play more but Narrow one graphics are not the same than before at least in my computer so bye 

(for now) :)

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Today I was so lagi fps 60 , ping 2. the worst day ever!!! :0


I already found it thx anyway ;)

pls someone help me find desert fruit code:PZPF



oh ok

language :D

I'm back!!! I already have my  name and coins!!! yay

has it happened before?


my coins are gone!!!!!! AAAAA  and I'm now guest!! 🤢🤮😱



Unban Crusader he didn't did anything wrong. I'm also christian and this is unfair, here there's also muslim and griddisim people.

Everyone has to be respected in what they believe including christians.

I hope you understand and think about what I said.



Looks like if Crusader Mantis was banned or something so this is what he wanted to say:

God send his son Jesus to sacrifice himself to save everyone. Think about the Israeli people... they had to sacrifice a perfect lamb every once in a while for God to forgive their sins. JESUS, being a person who did not commit any sin in his lifetime, sacrificed himself to die the most humiliating death to defeat death and sin, by resurrecting at the third day in glory. God can't just forgive everyone just cus' he can. We all have sinned and we all deserve death. If God just magically pardoned us, he would be unfair, which is impossible. The only way he can pardon us is if we accept his son as our saviour and convert to Christianity. Deus Vult.

I couldn't agree more with everything he said. Deus Vult

I'm also christian so we are already 3 protecting the christian community, God bless you my friend! 



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Happy birthday, Narrow one!!  L4J3

this video will help you :D


oh welp sorry

wasn't that you? or I'm confused?

Pic: (it was a week ago)

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Pic:  Uchiha, and me (I don't no who is the other guy sorry)

Of the first pic (where I was there) the other guy was called gold gamer :D

he was grabbing the flags and staying with them getting lots of grabs and kills 

X46L help me fight a cheater




thx hunter!


Hello chat :)

and for filming the gameplays? I tried OBS but I don't know why it doesn't works and it stop filming when I open N1 thx :)