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mystery zone games

A member registered May 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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all of the characters have a "bad" ending, which is unlocked if you play through the game and refuse sex at every opportunity. The scenes that you're ælooking for are probable the bed endings

hopefully, there might be a delay


Yeah, I'm hoping to have it out by the start fo february

the demo is available on patreon

Not quite, it's just on a long pause

Thanks for the heads up

the newest version is v. 0.2.7 on patreon. Yu will have to scroll almost a year back to find it though


you have to romance two characters at least. 

which dog?

(1 edit)

no, this game is only available on patreon

yes and yes

va you send me a screenshot of the error

Hey, the Eric path is not in the demo. I will look into it, to make sure that it isn't misleading in future versions of the demo

you do three tea and then three water

ok, the answer is to get the water until it is one level beyond the marker, then click on the tea until it reaches the marker, that should do it.

sorry, not this time

yep, that is the full game

It's only on patreon for now

I started making animated sprites and ditched the outlines, that might be it


the book bug is now fixed, thanks for the heads up

thanks for these reports, They are really helpful. I am bug ficing now

This game is actually de and a demo will be coming to very soon

Not yet, but you can get the newest update of the game on patreon

This is finished, yes and you can get the uncensored version right here for 10$

the book at the top of the screen is a mission tracker, if you're confused you can find answers there

that is really lovely, but i am a one man band who does this stuff mostly for shits and giggles, which means i can’t really afford another artist. I appreciate the support, though.

what is this reguarding?

check the comments on here, you are not alone

thanks, that is so kind

I'm doing great, I am just hard at work. I'm sorry you guys haven't heard from me for a while.

body hair is a pain, especially to animate, which is why I usually don't draw it. I might get at some body hair when I improve a bit mor

You can't do that in the current version of the game, but you will be able to once the game is finished

I have you guys and honestly, that is all the legitimacy I need

guys, I'm not saying that there aren't any Disney characters of color, I'm just saying that there aren't a lot of them

if you think of the beast as an animal, then yes