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A member registered Sep 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art style you created for this game is really cool, and that with the music creates a nice feel to the game. For the most part the movement worked pretty well for me, except for the jump not working occasionally. I also liked the fact that when you fell you just dropped right back to the beginning. I don’t really think any aspects of the game don’t work, but maybe it could be cool if when you passed some of the other characters they said something.

I really enjoyed the aesthetic and the overall look of your game. I do think it would have been better to have the camera more stationary as with all the movement of the player, the constant movement of the camera hurt my eyes a little. One area that I think needs a little improvement is the jump feature, as it’s a little delayed or sometimes doesn’t register. Apart from that the execution of the rest of the game is really good.

I enjoyed your game, and think that all of the details you incorporated, from the music, to the lighting, to the hints really made it more immersive. I instantly felt a little uneasy when I started the game as the music and the visuals had a very creepy feel to them. With that being said, one thing I had an issue with was getting the keys to load. Whenever I pressed on them, they didn’t register that it was picked up, except for one of the areas, where I picked up two from the same spot. Apart from that I think that you had a very successful game when it comes to the atmosphere you built. The visuals with the blueish lighting and the particles floating throughout definitely added an air of creepiness and suspense. Overall I enjoyed exploring your game and as I mentioned before, the visuals really stuck out to me, but I think if the glitches with the keys was fixed it would definitely be a really good game.

I really enjoyed your game and thought it was really cool as from the beginning of the game, it is very clear that it's a party. I really liked the little Easter eggs you had included as it helped to give the game more of a purpose and they were fun to find and interact with. One thing I that could be improved is adding in a few more gameplay things besides the Easter eggs that the player can do or interact with. I think there are a lot of things that are successful about this game, especially when it comes to the details, such as being able to change the song thats playing by pressing a number on the keyboard, or just the fact that you included a voice over instead of just writing it as text. You could really tell that you put a lot of time and effort throughout all aspects. Overall I really liked the overall feel you managed to accomplish, as it helped to make it feel like an actual party.

I really enjoyed exploring and walking around in your game as the detail and effort you clearly put in helped to give it a pretty realistic feel. I particularly liked the individual rooms for the theaters and how each one had something playing on it, that with the chairs and details you put in really tied the whole thing together. With that being said, similarly to what Patrick said, I do think that because the main room was so big that it would be nice to have some other people walking around. One thing that I think you did really successfully, is make a game that definitely resembles and feels like a cinema, the little details that you included helped to make it feel authentic. The fact that you could chose the movie and get given the ticket for it was a very nice touch.

I really liked the concept for this game and could tell you put a lot of effort into the layout; I especially liked how you had the moving panels on each side. Initially I was confused as to what the rules were, but then realised that some of the code wasn’t working properly. I had an issue with the other ball not moving so I didn’t get to experience the game in it’s entirety. I think that the layout of the game would definitely make it interesting when the other ball moves as well. Overall I think the game has potential to be really fun when the code is fixed and that it has a nice playful vibe.

From the second I opened and started playing your game I could tell you put a lot of thought into everything. The overall atmosphere you created with the visuals and audio makes the game an interesting experience from the get go. The only issue I personally had was sometimes it was a bit difficult to see where the ball was going to land when it was jumping as the perspective was a little bit confusing. Apart from that I think that the controls you used and the use of the jump button was a nice touch and helped to make it feel like something I would have played on a website when I was younger. Overall the game felt very professional, the level was very cool and a bit of a challenge.

One of the main things I noticed about your game is that it has a nice aesthetic and every aspect looks very good from the title screen to the game itself. The game has quite a professional feel to it and is quite impressive considering how far into the course we are. One issue I did have the game was with the AI opponent, as it would sporadically get very quick or kick my player across the screen. Although these glitches didn’t break the game they did get a little bit annoying. With that being said the fact that you programmed the opponent to be able to play pretty normally is very impressive and it also didn’t make the game too hard or too easy. Overall I liked how simple but fun the game was, and I liked how there is a low learning curve so you get to playing the game quickly.