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A member registered Nov 01, 2023

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With a little bit of background explaining myself, I play lots of games both AAA and Indie(although not much of a mystery solving games) and I've had the chance to try out this game.

There is definitely a freshness from the first person mystery solving(room escaping) game where you need to utilize ChatGPT to find clues and solve the case. The atmosphere with the robots had both funny(due to their way of talking) and scary aspect at the same time. The story and and the twist was also an enjoyment and I pretty much had a good time while playing. There are however some issues that I was met with.

1. Talking to the Robots

I didn't realize that you need to talk to the robots frequently to play the game as it was intended. When talking to the different robots, I was met with many answers that didn't help much and actually gave me the wrong idea. I was looking for the bloodstains and ask the robots for clues. The robot told me that with UV light you can see the bloodtrails. So I asked where the UV light was and the robot told me that it is in the storage room within the building, and that you need to take the elevator to B2 floor, which made me search the whole place for an elevator and couldn't find it. After this issue, I didn't really talk to the robots much as I thought they were just giving me random answers, and focused more finding the clues manually like traditional first person mystery solving game. Even if you don't talk to the robots, you can still find clues and get the right answer by reading texts and finding hard proof. If this game's main USP is the ChatGPT aspect, the game needs to better explain to players that you would need to talk to the robots to solve the case, make it so that unless you talk to the robots the game can't be solved(if we can just manually find clues to solve the case, why talk to the robots?), and explain how to talk to the robots so that they don't give random answer or give you the wrong answer. I understand that the robots are lying and that is part of the game, but if the robots tell me that there is a basement 2nd floor and I can take the elevator, players are probably going to waste their time a lot trying to find it, which may frustrate them big time.

2. Robot Dialogue

The 2nd reason why I stopped talking to different robots was that I thought all other robots used the same dialogue code except A01. When asking for jokes they give you the same answer, their personally when giving the answers are similar, etc. When asking questions, they often give answers like "I can't answer that", which gave the impression that unless I ask them a specific or correct question they are not going to answer. This seemed very scripted with just extra steps of typing out the questions, which made me think that I was limited to the "developer's correct way" of playing this game as opposed to freely having a dialogue with the AI. If the robots had a bigger difference in their personality and wayyyyy more variations of how they answered each questions, that would make the gaming experience better.

Except for the 2 issues above, I generally had a fun time playing. With more improvements with the AI, there is definitely a possibility that the game could go viral with streamers and content creators asking creative questions and getting creative answers.

(1 edit)

With a little bit of background explaining myself, I play lots of games both AAA and Indie(although not much of a mystery solving games) and I've had the chance to try out this game.

There is definietly a freshness from the first person mystery solving(room escaping) game where you need to utilize ChatGPT to find clues and solve the case. The atmosphere with the robots had both funny(due to their way of talking) and scary aspect at the same time. The story and and the twist was also an enjoyment and I pretty much had a good time while playing. There are however some issues that I was met with.

1. Talking to the Robots

  • I didn't realize that you need to talk to the robots frequently to play the game as it was intended. When talking to the different robots, I was met with many answers that didn't help much and actually gave me the wrong idea. I was looking for the bloodstains and ask the robots for clues. The robot told me that with UV light you can see the bloodtrails. So I asked where the UV light was and the robot told me that it is in the storage room within the building, and that you need to take the elevator to B2 floor, which made me search the whole place for an elevator and couldn't find it. After this issue, I didn't really talk to the robots much as I thought they were just giving me random answers, and focused more finding the clues manually like traditional first person mystery solving game. Even if you don't talk to the robots, you can still find clues and get the right answer by reading texts and finding hard proof. If this game's main USP is the ChatGPT asepct, the game needs to better explain to players that you would need to talk to the robots to solve the case, make it so that unless you talk to the robots the game can't be solved(if we can just manually find clues to solve the case, why talk to the robots?), and explain how to talk to the robots so that they don't give random answer or give you the wrong answer. I understand that the robots are lying and that is part of the game, but if the robots tell me that there is a basement 2nd floor and I can take the elevator, players are probably going to waste their time alot trying to find it, which may frustrat them big time.

2. Robot Dialogue

  • The 2nd reason why I stopped talking to different robots was that I thought all other robots used the same dialogue code except A01. When asking for jokes they give you the same answer, their personally when giving the answers are similar, etc. When asking questions, they often give answers like "I can't answer that", which gave the impression that unless I ask them a specific or correct question they are not going to answer. This seemed very scripted with just extra steps of typing out the questions, which made me think that I was limited to the "developer's correct way" of playing this game as opposed to freely having a dialouge with the AI. If the robots had a bigger difference in their personality and wayyyyy more variations of how they answered each questions, that would make the gaming experience better.

Except for the 2 issues above, I generally had a fun time playing. With more improvements with the AI, there is definitely a possibility that the game could go viral with streamers and content creators asking creative questions and getting creative answers.