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M.Y. Hauger

A member registered Jun 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is a pretty cool game, though I didn't complete the entire thing. I will definitely try it again. Also, I recommended your game to a few content creators. Hopefully, they'll give it a try.

Cool game!  It thought it was very interesting, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys playing horror games. I'll definitely be playing it again.  

No problem! It was great!

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This is a really cool game, very interesting. I look forward to when the next chapter is released.

I will be sure to do that. Thanks for telling me about the game. It looks great!

(2 edits)

Yeah, I'd be happy to try out your game! I saw it on steam. It looks pretty cool. I also know someone else who may like to try it out. 

No problem!

Nice game. I like it. The game was relaxing and I like the music in the game. Also, I think a multiplayer option would be nice.

A very nice, relaxing game. 


(1 edit)

A very interesting game, as always. I really like the looks of it. It's awesome and I had a lot of fun with this. Definitely worth checking out, especially for those who like doing three scary game videos or for someone who would want to challenge themselves to see how long they would stay in the game. I would definitely play this again! Also, I will be posting a video on YouTube.

No problem! Thanks for letting me know about the bug fix! I will definitely try the game again!

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Nice game. I was really enjoying it. I did run into a bug which occurred after the jump scare which kind of  had me a bit stuck shortly afterward. I'd really like to try the game again, as I found the game to be quite interesting and I enjoy these types of games. Also, I looked at the page for your upcoming game and it looks amazing and I look forward to trying it out whenever it  releases.

No problem!

Awesome Game! 

Very interesting game.  Not bad for your first game. I look forward to  playing more of your games in the future.

Awesome game! 

Here is my game play.  Not a bad game, especially for being a demo.  I look forward to playing the full game.
(3 edits)

Awesome Game! I really enjoyed playing it and would recommend this to anyone who enjoys playing horror games. This is probably my favorite of your games. I also really like your game The Bit More Know Zero. I look forward to playing your next game.

(1 edit)

Loved this little game! I had a lot of fun playing it!

Awesome game!

Nice little game! 
(1 edit)

Awesome game! Even though Christmas is over, I was still looking forward to playing this and I'm glad that had the chance to. I enjoyed playing this game. I also saw some of your other games and they look pretty interesting. I'll be sure to check them out in the near future!

Here is my gameplay. I had a lot of fun playing it and would definitely recommend this game to anyone who would want to do a holiday themed three scary games.

Cool little game!:)

Another awesome game that I would recommend for a holiday themed three scary games!

Awesome game!

Awesome game! I enjoyed playing it and would recommend it to anyone who likes horror games and would want to do a holiday themed three scary games.

Cool game! I would recommend this who would want to do a holiday themed three scary games!

The game was pretty awesome. I had a lot of fun playing it. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who does a three scary game series, especially if they were to do a holiday themed one. Here's my gameplay.
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A fun little game! I enjoyed playing it. :) 

That's awesome!

(2 edits)

I just finished playing the game. It was great! You did amazing job, especially with this being the first game you ever made. I would certainly recommend this to anyone who enjoys playing horror games. It definitely had me on the edge of my seat, especially toward the end. Great job! 

Sounds great!


It was a nice little game. I enjoyed playing it.

I'm glad to hear it. Your game is awesome, and I look forward to playing any future games that you release.

It's no problem. I really enjoyed playing this game and may even play it again soon, if I decide to do a livestream. I would definitely play it again, either way. Also, I did post a video of my gameplay on YouTube. Of course, I'm just a small content creator who does it for fun. I also like trying out fun and interesting games and posting them in hopes that others may see them and give them a try. I look forward to checking out and playing any future games that you may create.

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I just finished playing the game. It was amazing and I really enjoyed playing it. It's definitely an ideal game to get people into the Halloween spirit and a also a great choice for those who do 3 scary game videos. Great job!