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Thank you a lot for such a long comment, you're making me blush (//∇//)  Reading everybody thoughts on the game always make my day <3

Yes the last line is intentional, which is the reason why I name the ending the way it is.  I think he is a narcissistic person so ending it that way will make the most sense for Nebu's character while still give a chance for a hopeful future.

Also thank you for worrying about me! When I first decided to make it I already what would come and what to expect since I know this isn't for everybody (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ I'm not really a confident person but I know to not care for slanders and unproductive criticism, so in all I think I still handling it okay XD And everybody's comments also help a lot! 

Thank you again for the heartwarming encouragements!

Thank you~

Thank you very much for your comment! I'm really happy to hear your thoughts! (Don't worry the translator is great and easy to understand)

Thank you~ Hope you will enjoy playing it~

Thank you for your comment! What I like about the ship is the complexity and messiness of it, so I'm happy I'm able to convey that within the game~ 

Thank you for your comment!! Hope you had fun playing~