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A member registered Feb 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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thanks!! you also need two controller if you want to play it ;) i will rate your game later :)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, thanks for trying ;) what's the Problem with the Xbox one controller? We tested it with an one and a 360 controller and both worked for us so I'm curious why it doesn't work for you... The music is done with fldtudio ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

yeah, it is controller only ;)

yeah, you can't die because we wanted to focus on the fight between the to players and we thought that would take the flow out of it.. I make sure to rate your game as soon as i can!

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, it's totally designed for two player and makes a lot more fun together :) a two player game isn't the best idea for a game jam but it was our first game jam and now we know better. Thanks for playing! :)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

no problem, thanks for trying! ;) yes, now we know that a two player game isn´t the best idea for a game jam, but we had fun making it :D i will rate yours as soon as i can ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;) it's also our first game jam so we appreciate every fedback we can get :) i will play your game also as soon as i can

no sorry, it´s a local multiplayer twin stick shooter so keyboard control is really hard to make for this kind of game. We tried it but than focused on other things :D But thanks for your try! :) 

yeah i found it out after some deads :D i think an instruction screen would be good ;) keep up the good work!

it´s a controller only game ;)

Hey, at the beginning I didn´t really know what i have to do but I love the Art style and the music was great! Great work for just one week!

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

Hey, thanks for your feedback! We really appreciate it :)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

hey, we would appreciate your feedback if you have someone to play it with because it's a two player game ;)

Thank you!! That finally fixed our problem :) Are we allowed to upload this bugfix? Because the submission period is over...

thanks for the reply guys! We tried to fix it for about 5 hours and than decided to upload it with the bug... We found out that you can play it with only one controller plugged in at the beginning and connect the other controller when you in game.

hey folks, is here someone who made a multiple controller supported game in the past? we have an issue when we use multiple controllers. everything works well in editor mode, but when we build it the inputs are messed up and don´t work anymore... can someone help?