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Muggy McGee

A member registered Dec 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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Anyone know how long this game is? 

Perhaps the weirdest, most confusing indie game i've ever played. I had high hopes before playing this as it from the same creator as "The Static speaks my name", which is a very highly rated indie game.

While Bucket Detective is a good game, its very confusing and in my opinion its just far too strange to understand first time! Maybe after playing it a few times it will start to make sense, but from my first playthrough, i didnt understand it fully! - Walkthrough will be on this channel shortly.

6.8/10 for me.

Great game, will upload it onto my channel in the next few days. I'll leave a link in my description so hopefully more people download your game!

This is my playthrough of this horror game, Notes of Obsession, hopefully you all enjoy it. Its a great horror game with great graphics and narrative. :)

Possibly the best indie game ive ever played, such a funny experience and game. i'm gonna upload it to my youtube channel: Muggy McGee, so check that out and great game! :D :D

a very good game with potential, but did crash on me after about 10 minutes of gameplay, i will upload it to my youtube channel and hopefully there's a fix for the crash. But really good game :)

I'm downloading this game currently and will upload videos to youtube once i've played it. The screenshots and comments are very positive so i'm looking forward to playing it!