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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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no, on windows

did you unzip the zip folder?

(1 edit)

sometimes the text of a country doesn't disappear. it seems to only happen in the center option. if you complete another drop, the correct text will appear, but the previous text is still there

when you have a package to drop, Timor-Leste is called Timor-Leste, but on the map, it's called east Timor. really confusing

i think it would be cool if there was objectives, for example "metropolis: have a city with X houses"

i got it too

I like the game but i think too many of the upgrades add too much run time.  also, the game slows down a lot once you reach 1 billion

the boxes wil clip through if theyre there

that's an unintentional use of it, it is meant to exist though

ok srry im stupid i guess

I have returned to playing this beautiful creation after half a year and it's amazing. the only issue I can currently find is the fact that the car sounds like a gas car, even though it's meant to be a tesla if I remember correctly. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

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Drift Hunters community · Created a new topic great game :)

I like this game. it's amazing the way it is, and please don't listen to the dummies saying you should add a Lambo. you really shouldn't. my only complaint would be that the car sounds like a horse when I shift lol

its fine thanks :D

with what?

I like it. I think a lot of work went into this and that you tried. you succeeded. I hope that you will continue development on this.

question: what does traction upgrade do?

This game is absolutely amazing. I can play this for hours on end and not get bored. but one thing is, can you make the sirens shut up when you die? my ears are dying as I'm typing this lol.

I like that you followed his suggestion, but I think that it should be toggleable so that experienced players can get right into the action.

Thank you :) it took me a while to find out that the second was possible, and i'm glad that this will stick around. But either way, i'm happy to do a little glitch hunting on my free time.

all three levels can be done without any ants on counter. see my comment it has youtube video

i forgot to update this comment. you can also do the second with split second timing. i have a youtube video of me playing through the entire game without pressing shift.

(1 edit)

you only need one ant (including the one you move)  for the first, second, and third. requires a little luck tho

(1 edit)

the first and third levels can be done with 0 ants on the counter lol


i wish you could see your mouse while in the game

my motor bikes are constantly crashing in the same spot help

I wish i could have it run while I'm not actively in the tab, so the AI improves while i play another game. maybe balance it by detecting if you are on the tab and if not then make everything go in slow motion

penformance huh