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A member registered Jul 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Love the game! Keep up the good work!

Oooh i'm looking forward to the new clothing style! 

And yeah what i wanted to ask is: do the bachelors have any siblings?^^

And i like both versions of the pine trees they both look really good! <3

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Really looking forward to the release! But how many chapters are there in total? And how many chapters are there with each guy you romance?

OMG thank you so much for your hardwork!

And i also like to ask the bachelors something^^

-what's your favorite type?^^

I'm really curious of what their type in girls are hehe^^

Anyway keep up the good work SweetChiel!

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Thank you for answering my question!

But i forgot  another one!

That little boy that we saw in the demo will he be like a bigger plot in the game?

I really thought he was cute for following the boys and mainly Maya.

So i was kinda curious about him ( if its still a secret you don't have to tell me) XD


How many chapters are there?

Keep up the good work! xD

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love your game!

But i'm wondering if there is a chance that kai gets a route cause i kinda like him hehe XD

also will the MC have a sprite?

No pressure just asking and can't wait for the full release!

is there a walktrough?

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First of all i wanna say i enjoyed the game SO MUCH!

I really liked the story it was very interesting and as for the art I LOVE IT!

I loved all the main guys and enjoyed their route and i also REALLY like the side characters as well i just love their interactions with the MC and i hope that one day if possible they can each get their own route because that would be amazing!

So thank you for making this amazing game Pinlin!

any news?

Any news?

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Hii me again!

Wanted to ask something else.

If the stretch goals of Jori and Sebastian don't get reached are you planning to try something else to reach them or not?

Cause it would be such a waste if they don't get a route! 

Anyway thanks for your hard work on the game i really appreciatie it!

Thank you for telling me i really do hope that both of them get a romance route!

Well your already have one person who is interested! The fact is that i kinda have a weak spot for green haired boys! xD (quiet and badass to!)

Hope that the others will be interested to!

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Love this game!

Looking forward to the release!

But one question:

is Chain dateable? Or maybe in the future?

Oh and are Sebastien and Jori dateable?

Thank you so much !!!!!

I did as you told me and now i can play your game!

So once again thank youu!!

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Good job SweetChiel! You deserve your rest now and yeah go play your games!

I'm also planning on buying Harvest Moon around christmas when i have the money for it! 

And since you say that you like the game i'm looking forward for playing it so thanks SweetChiel hahaha! xD


i have a little problem

my norton security says that there something wrong with the game

what can i do ?

Still working on this game?

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Heey RX500-android!

It's sad to say that she probably won't be releasing this game. 

Last time we heard from her was in february 2019 and she hasn't given any updates at all (on kickstarter) or answered any emails.

Even though i am still hoping for a full release since this game had a lot of potential and looked very amazing and a good storyline! 

Though i doubt it will happen. :'(

Just wanted to let you know so you won't get your hopes up to much since a lot of us did. :'(

Hope you will play a lot of other amazing games! :D

( Sorry for bad english! haha)

I hope it will happen!

I was wondering who is coming next after Ciro and if maybe when will it come?

Just a question no pressure or anything and if you dont want to say it yet thats okay too! :D

You deserve your rest SweetChiel! 

Thank you for your hard and i love the sneak peek from Kahlil it looks very good!

Btw i love your aquarium with the mini dinosaurs 

P.S. dont forget to give them food dinosaurs are quite hungry as you know hahaha

Well bye bye for now fellow-introvert take a good rest!  

Thank you for your hard work! I really appreciate this and i am really looking forward to the game and most of all looking forward for Nazir since he is my favorite! I just love his personality hehe! keep up the good hard work! xD 

Loved your game and i really like all the characters!

will there be a route for Ryuu in the future?

he really deserves it after what happened with the MC!

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Happy birthday SweetChiel hope you enjoyed your free time and your birhtday and believe me as a fellow introvert i know how you feel! Hehe xoxo ;)

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You're doing great! 

I really appreciate your hard work on this game!

Take a good rest you deserve it!

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Just played the demo and i have to say i really loved it!

I like all the characters so much i can't even decide who my favorite is.

Voice acting, music and art is also very amazing!

Will there be sprite's for the MC brothers? i'm really curious how they would look like!

Looking forward to the release!

Lovee your game!

Great game keep up the good work!

Omg i really love your game its amazing and i love the characters!

really looking forward when it will be released!

keep up the good work!

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Still working on this game? Its been awhile

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est-ce toujours en anglais parce que je ne suis pas très bon en français

Are you still working on the game i really love it btw!

i love your game!

i am really curious about vincent and why he dislikes the MC so much!

keep up the good work!

Will the game still be released?

I really love it so i really hope it will be released