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A member registered Oct 03, 2023

Recent community posts

It says the package is invalid does this support android 14?

I love this mod a LOT but there are some bugs that kinda annoy me on the android version im not trying to be rude but the camera sometimes bugs out also some of the text in the menus and buttons are moved also the hitbox for the chair and tables in the classroom are too big and i cant use the water fountains or interactive things like vending machines because i cant click on it when im moving

It says the package may be invalid

i need help with opening the Linux version of BFNSPUE it keeps saying "segmentation fault (core dumped)" when i try to exucute it

i already have bbcr and bb+ on my chromebook i just ran the file so i think this is kinda pointless... but you do you

(1 edit)

you said it was for linux liar

it literally crashed my whole os and i had to force restart

installed it on my phone  litterally just 1 level why did you f*cking add a next level button

f*ck you