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A member registered Sep 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

I really enjoyed my time playing! It is definitely a story-driven game with horror aspects, so anyone going in should prepare for a story! That being said, I really enjoyed the story. I was not suspecting the sweet heart felt messaging, but I think it was great! The game it self I like, the design of the environment is really hitting that cartoony aspect and Dusty's design is well made, they hit that "friendly not so friendly" monster mark. I enjoyed the gameplay mechanic; I think both endings "game" were fun. My favorite is the "bad" ending game. However, I do wish some of that was also in the beginning. I feel the beginning can feel drawn out with not much going on other than the story; maybe an event could happen when power is out. I also saw there was a hiding mechanic, but I never really utilized it, and the boarded basement, I feel, was never brought back up. (Unless I missed it somehow.) However, I will say thank you for putting in a chapter selection. I love seeing the other endings provided in a game, and it makes it so much easier to get them! Overall, it was a fun time, and I can't wait to see what else is in store!

My contacts were all frogs, dogs, and a few lamps. I really enjoyed the concept of this game! I love the mechanic and how it works with the puzzles; I could see a whole game based on it. The style is awesome, and the environment is really well put together; the limitless spaces connected with a vast pit of darkness really make for a surreal feeling. Even though there is no commentary, the story had me hooked. I wanted to know more about what's going on. Really, I wish there was more!

If you're looking for a short and simple atmospheric horror game, this is a good contender. I had fun playing—not too scary, but I did get scared at one point! The gameplay is simple, the story had my attention, and the style is nice! I even wanted to find all 3 endings. I will say (trying to be vague for spoilers) that the event at the coffee machine was not very clear, but I did spot it. Overall, I had fun!

(1 edit)

It was a fun game! Simple concept and fun gameplay! I love the character design, which is very eerie, and the scares did get me a couple of times! I love that you added the "cheats." It's a nice thought when trying to get all the endings!

I really enjoyed the prototype! The movement is nice, and the gameplay is fun. I love the style; I think the main character hits that cute/creepy vibe, and the environments and mods are really well designed. This being a prototype, I can't wait to see more! I will say though, the only problem I had was during the first level, when I fell into the gate pit area and didn't know how to slam jump. The hint to learn this was right after that area, so it would have been helpful before hand (also, I just might be smooth-brained lol). 

I just found this game recently and I have to say I enjoyed it! Your environment work is really good! I also love the characters and stories. I really enjoyed the anthology part and the post game content, was not suspecting that! Can't wait to paly your other games!

I really enjoyed the game! I think the story so far is very intriguing, it hits that horror mark, and I love the wonderland aspects. I love you don't resort to loud noise like jump scares (not that that's bad), but (for no spoilers keeping it vague) the bridge was my favorite scenario. I hope to see more like that! Love the PSX style did a good job with that as well! I will say at first the riddle was not clear at first, but ended up getting it! Can't wait for ch.2!

(1 edit)

The game was so much fun! I loved the setting and mechanics! You set up a nice scenario to get absolutely paranoid! I did find myself getting stuck in tight corners, but overall, it was a super fun and scary experience! Can't wait to see more! 

I absolutely love this game! You did such a good job with the environment, mechanics, and monster! Plus, the tasks are fun to complete! I found myself paranoid and constantly looking behind my back. I can't wait to see what else you make! I kept wanting to play this with friends; I'd imagine it would be such a fun time in multiplayer. I will say the only time I found myself stuck was actually trying to get the needle to green (which was probably just me having a smooth brain). Overall, I will definitely be recommending this game to others!


I actually had a real fun time playing the game! The story so far is fun! Love the style and the design is great. Shows a lot of love when into the game! I wish I could of feed the Raccoon the hot dogs though, unless I could and just didn't know how. LOL

I never really played visual novels, but the usage of 3D animation peaked my interest! Saying so though this is so cool,I love my experience with it, the story is intriguing and I love the 3D animation its like playing a movie. I love the usage of the camera and hope more quick action / user interaction is incorporated! I would say though some background music would be nice! Can't wait to see what the next part has instore!