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A member registered Jan 03, 2024

Recent community posts

Just finished playing your game on stream.

The positive point was that the graphics were really cool and pretty well coded.

However, there are some really negative points. The game is really short (probably around 5min to finish the game) and it's pretty much straightforward : Only "two" levels so to speak, with nothing much to do really...
Mr Beast's voicelines are annoying at some point I felt, too redundant.
I hope that you will add more content in the near future. The idea behind the game is good, but it lacks contents a lot...

As the game is free, I suggest you try it and see for yourself. Nevetherless, as it is currently, I wouldn't recommend the game.

Played the UPDATED STEAM version of your game! Really cool little adjustements / animations / items. Really liked it.
Still waiting for the multiplayer mode... :p

Amis FR : GOTY 2024 pour moi. Foncez. (Le jeu coûte rien, et dans le pire des cas je le fais gagner sur ma vidéo lol)

Hi, sent you an mail! :D

Very fun little experience! Such a clever idea to make a game out Duolingo memes. 

I hope there will be news contents soon!

AMIS FR : Foncez, jeu court (peut être un peu trop à mon goût) mais fun. Bonne expérience!

Very creepy ambiance, loved playing it :) Wish it had a bit more ambiance FX/sounds apart from the last bit though!

(Your game is the first one)

Amis FR : Petit jeu sympa, de bonnes idées. On se laisse vite prendre au jeu et le twist et bien cool! On aurait voulu avoir peut être plus de sons d'ambiance / musiques de fond pour rajouter une dimension creepy.
Go essayer ca!

Hi! 2 questions : 
Is there an update any time soon?
Will the game on steam be the exact same version as this one?

Really cool first game! Looking forwar to your next project :)

AMIS FR : Franchement, pour un premier jeu, c'est très encourageant ! Y'a de bonnes idées, foncez!

The plot twist of understanding why we were looking a perfect spot for was cool x) made me laugh!

AMIS FR : le jeu est sympa, un poil court mais de bonnes idées!

(1 edit)


Such a coool game! Bravo!

Amis FR, foncez! Le jeu est trop bien! J'ai hâte d'avoir des nouvelles updates

Amis FR, foncez! Le jeu est très très sympa!

My first SCP!

Je connais pas du tout cet univers...mais je me suis dis, pourquoi pas ! 

Le jeu est cool. 

I had a really good time!
Amis FR, n'hésitez pas! C'est vraiment une bonne expérience :)

One of the scariest jumpscares of all time for me!
Amis FR, foncez! Le jeu est vraiment cool :)

Cool little experience. 

amis français, viendez voir ça !