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A member registered 59 days ago

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Released on 7/7 . . . My mom's birthday! Amazing gift dude! Cool project! Now a campaign/story mode would be awesome! I know you ow us nothing, but it would be so fun! I know a perfect story line that would have mistery and betrial, what do you think? I can share it if you want to you. This is a neet and great project you have there! Never give up on your dreams.

CoD became sh1te a while ago, i played THIS game, and i had to choice between this game and CoD? I take this game any day of the week! CoD has been made by greedy b4st4rds, this game is build out of a passion, which is thé reason games exists in the first place, including doom, because it was made out of passion!

A campaign is indeed something  i miss as well, but remember that this person is doing this all by himself, he doesn't ow us anything, but hoverboards and jetpacks isn't something the doom engine isn't known for, it might do some crazy things . . .