Well, what can I say.
I don't think there are enough words in the dictionary to describe the way I felt when I read the description of this game, so I will try to remain concise in order to only convey the strongest emotions I felt.
Never before had I seen someone devote such effort to develop their thought process to the extent seen in the artistic statement. Truly, I could feel the pride and the passion oozing from the developper's soul as they recounted the way they felt about a subject as complex as heterosexuality and the particular intricacies of game making and the concepts it can evoke both objectively and (most importantly) subjectively. The dedication to the art of the craft was palpable when the essay transported us within the mind of the developper, showing us every minute aspects of reflexion and decision that had to be made in order to come up with the idea of the game, the various sources of inspirations and the social commentary that naturally could be made from such notions, all the while not excluding anyone's perspective on the matter by rendering the game as generic as possible. In this moment I understood that my perspective of the game was initially skewed by my previous gaming experiences and that I might have lacked critical introspection upon playing the game the first time. I realized that I had to shift my expectations and use my imagination to see the various stories that were actually told by this barely 30 seconds game and finally see, with brand new eyes, the true genius of the game.
That being said, the game is still shit, though.