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A member registered Oct 04, 2022

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(1 edit)

This game was great, was so scared when he started chasing me lol

2nd game in this video

Great game I loved the mix between humour and horror! Would love to play more horror games like this!

Great Game I had so much fun playing it! 

I made a video on it here if you would like to watch

Great video it was hilarious

One of the craziest and most random games I have ever played but I enjoyed it lol would love to see silly games like this! This was the second game I played in this video.

This game was way better than I expected because of some other fnaf spinoff games on itch. This game was very good but it was difficult!

(1 edit)

Great little game, never thought I'd be that stressed out just trying to turn on a PS5

 Great game! It honestly surprised based on the other spongebob games on itch!

Game 5 Of this Video

Fun little game, would love to see an official game of this!

Game 4 Of this Video

This game would be amazing if it had more levels and depth to it but none the less, fun game.

Game 3 Of this video

This was a fun game but it would be great if it had more levels

game 2 of this video 

This game has loads of potential it just needs more to it