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MPlant Games

A member registered Jul 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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I appreciate you recording your gameplay. Hope you enjoyed it!

haha I know exactly what you're saying. Never would've guessed someone would throw skulls over the gate but I'll patch that in the next fix! Thank you for your feedback!

Nice! Thank you for playing! Now.... wake up ;)

Hi there, thank you for you feedback! Be sure to double check the angel statue room and examine every corner of the room closely! Hope that helps :)

Hope you all enjoy it! Feel free to join the discord if you'd like to report any bugs:

That's awesome, can't wait to check it out!

(1 edit)

Thank you! That really helped out. I thought you did a great job with the game. I read bout your development process on your site, teaching yourself all those programs, and I'm really impressed. Always thought about creating a room escape game myself. I'm familiar with blender but not so much unity/unreal. Tried to teach myself but as you know already, steep learning curve to programming. Are they any resources you could point me in the right direction. I've tried youtube videos but it's been hit or miss in terms of content. Thanks again and best of luck in your future!



Anybody else have the bug on level 2 where the door doesn't unlock after putting the 3 cogs on the wall? Although it makes the sound effect of the door unlocking