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A member registered Jun 17, 2021

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i have words but uhh. it took me over a week to be able to play the finale and yeahh it do be hitting. i am so very tired. (minor spoilers) i really, really loved how this concluded. i adored the ending i got, the exploration of bucks' character was super interesting and cool, iggy finally making his own choice + the slight meta narrative/fourth wall breaking was so neat. carrot youre so incredibly cool and i love you. thank you for my favorite game. im gonna go scroll through the entirety of the blog now. thank you <3

oh my god,,, crying and screaming and hitting things,,,,

ive only played genzou's route because that man holds my heart but the text convos were so silly and lovely? and we get to meet his mom?? so cute. i love their new years scene and the post-credit scene made me cry they are adorable and deserve the world.

i did manage to get to the party with a full social battery and about $50 extra so the rng treated me very well, i'd say it was a balanced amount of challenging for me, as someone who is not good at resource management.

will replay different routes later. or just replay genzou's another few times because what a guy.

HI <3333

it was indeed very intense but it was so fun 

honestly have never related to a protagonist more than iggy. he's sad, he's anxious, he's confused he just wants everyone to be happy, he takes responsibility for things that arent entirely on him. putting a lot of yourself in a character is scary but iggy is just so relatable and distilling aspects of yourself into a character makes them much more real and i appreciate that about him a lot.

i became a gidget apologist the instant i realized they were suppressing un-cis feelings my toxic trait is forgiving any character who is vaguely trans. and i can definitely empathize with changing yourself completely for those around you. they committed many crimes but look how cool they were once they stopped putting up a front. i love them.

i dont think i could find it in my heart to not like orlam. he is just a sad little guy. he's just so deeply tragic and i want to hold him and make sure he's okay. also whenever he was committing violence the soundtrack was absolutely bopping so i was having a delightful time.

 genzou did some things but like! look at him! he takes his respecting iggy's boundaries juice every morning! just the unconditional love and support and acceptance and adoration and loyalty. my heart. he needs to have some conversations and stop being as terrible but everyone in this group needs that to various extents.

i love this game so much and i cannot wait for the next update thank you for this <333

i finished this game in about 24 hours? i can count the number of significant breaks i took on one hand. i have played through all three side games. consider me consumed :)

anyways!! i am using this to gush about the game! because my friends are tired of me screaming at them about it!

ngl i was ready to throw hands with arc 3 iggy but thats okay. relate very heavily on being a people pleaser, and always, always just wanting to make those around you happy even if it's absolutely not your duty. him feeling like he ruined everyone's lives is so real of him. i am also ace! he is just like me fr! i really felt the "broken/i can fix him narratives" in a more general sense (i've gotten more subtle "things change/are you sure/youre too young/general assumptions that i will end up in some sort of heteronormative relationship) but also with gidget and them both trying to fill the roles set out by society and the expectations set by each other and themselves. two different characters commenting on iggy's pathetic small wet cat nature being cute made me cackle.

GIDGET!!! i went from kinda sympathetic but also fuck off to them being my favorite of the main cast. im transmasc and the instant i smelled gender dysphoria i started going rabid over them. anyways expectations of society + trying to be good for others + always being compared to an older sibling is very nice to explore and i was absolutely cheering for them when they flipped a table and chopped off their hair. the urge is strong for me too. WHEN THEY LITERALLY LOCKED CECIL AWAY it took me a hot second but physically locking away your masculinity/general non-femininity but not being able to kill it and it still finding its way back to you (is what i got from it no idea if it's less literal but it's my interpretation and i do what i want).

orlam. is the most sympathetic for me. but also. still a greasy little man. i think he needs new friends. and therapy. but i loved his vibes! they were very discomforting! will probably play his route next! i dont know why! hes kinda slimy but i can take that apparently! hes not justified but like. i get it? good character. i tried to be nicer and defend him starting in arc 2 because he is Sad. i think the crayons and the scribbled drawings really remind me of childhood. and his lack of control and powerlessness compared to his father. orlam's wish is for control, mostly, and i feel like it's partly because of how his friends treated him but also because of his childhood and feeling helpless in the face of his father. anyways. did i make up the rabbit as his father in one of the drawings or no (i havent slept correctly in two days). all the toys in his room despite is being so ornate and kingly..........and i thought i was going a little insane when i thought orlam had a crush on genzou. that is what happened. right. i am too aro to properly discern relationships. but that tragedy is so delicious.

genzou is very friend shaped and i love him. hes so cute. talk 30 miles a minute and still not be able to say whats important. very relatable. other than eating him so many times was getting kinda awkward i really loved him and going through his route. he feels like the safest choice but also! he is warm and safe and i think iggy just needs someone to hold him yknow. i was very "babygirl we need to talk" when it came to him and orlam's relationship but when he finally was able to shut up and tell Orlam he never hated him?? fuck me i guess??? the emotions were emotioning. he has a lot to answer for, and it's not justified, but again, i get it.

nothing on bucks yet as we havent really gotten too much but i am intrigued :)

adding the doll here because the bag just moving in the real world means that wonderland is not as cut off. you dont keep any injuries you sustained and not even your memories most of the time but that doll is Moving. the dolls hanging in the woods outside bucks' cabin, the doll in the dreams asking to kill so hyped for the next update man holy shit.

jerry!! jerry is a real one. i did say that it was too bad he'd end up doing a noble sacrifice and dying for us. but then he did about 2 minutes later. too soon man. hes witty, hes brave, hes strong, hes kind, i love him. anyways spinoff where we kiss the rabbit man when (jk jk). 

the absolute dread and discomfort throughout was amazing. the non-violent scenes were even more horrific for me a lot of the time. the vibes were awful. the dread was building. incredible writing. and the soundtrack? holy shit. amazing. gorgeous. will listen to on repeat for a long while. everything fit so well. i really appreciated the absurdity of it all. the killer tomatoes, the iggys, a huge eye with a tongue. it's so silly, i love it, and it balances out the awfulness of everything.

i probably forgot. most things. it's been a long day and a bit. here's to a happy ending where they get therapy.

even though i've played this through so many times the ending always makes me flinch. i know it's coming, but every time it's still so sudden. i love this game.

I've spent the last two days getting all the endings and I regret nothing. This was absolutely amazing. I won't deny how much I favored Kaileen and Aleth but every single character was well-written and very enjoyable. I loved this playing game so much.

I don't know what happened but I loved it

I do not know if I will ever be able to describe how much I loved playing this. Right when I found it, the art style grabbed me- I knew I'd end up playing it for the art alone. The worldbuilding is good, the characters are very enjoyable, and the soundtrack is exquisite. I gasped out loud when I saw the pronouns for Fuzzpants, and now I think every game needs a magic cat with neopronouns. I fell for the art, then the world, and then the characters, and the more I think over it, the more I love it. I might just combust when the next act drops.