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A member registered 73 days ago · View creator page →

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It was pretty good found footage horror

Short but sweet!

Really liked the concept of it!

Never thought a playground could be this unsettling

Short But Sweet!

It was very good, I just had a strange first playthrough

Short and sweet





Short but sweet experience! 

I Spanished and didn't vanished!

I enjoyed it, and I hope you do too

Loved the second chapter, keep it up!

I'll be waitting for a full release!

Awesome game mate

funniest game of the year by far

I was scared for sure!

Short but sweet!

I'm down for collab Lixian ahaha

Portugal Crl! ahah

Awesome game honestly!

I did another gameplay on your game, I absolutely enjoyed the other endings!

Can't wait for the full release, I had a blast with this game! She's a nice weird mix of hot and crazy, count me in!

Had a blast with it, found it very impressive of his age to make such a game, keep it up!

This was a really interesting concept, loved how weird it is!

Damn, I didn't actually beat it but I really like the concept.

It's pretty intense but fun overall!

I liked the ambience and tension of the game

This game was pretty creepy and also had a really interesting concept, 10/10 would play again!

Some fans are not worth meeting!

Longest game I've played so far...

Liked the concept a lot, never thought Lamp posts would spawn such nice and welcoming dark entities like that! Good job overall dev!

I had a lof of fun finding the diferent endings, good job with the tension building and game overall!