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A member registered 91 days ago · View creator page →

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It's so awesome to see how creative people draw such amazing drawings with those limitations!

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Thank you so much for playing and especially for the feedback!

Yeah I want to use the transformations for different puzzles and hidden zones. I hope to finish the game in a few months :)

It will be possible in the future to create installers for the desktop variants and (specifically for Mac) sign with your apple developer id. I'm currently working on this.

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It is indeed possible to save games. Try e.g. BubbleFrog which is preloaded. It saves automatically after each level and when you continue, you'll be in the correct level.

Considering the .sav file: it might be possible to export them in the future, if this is a requested feature. But it's unclear if those files will work in other emulators.

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Hello, it's already possible to do it :D and there is a link to all supported processors and OS' but short answer for Mac is:

Apple Silicon processor: npx electron-packager "./" "BubbleWrap" --platform=darwin --arch="arm64" 

Intel processor: just replace the "arm64" for arch with "x86_64".

Thanks it's an amazing sound package! I am using it in my Demo of Dungeon Crystal.

The visuals and the music really fit the theme of a futuristic Vampire Game. I also really liked the gameplay: it reminds me of a biker scene in battletoads double dragon although it sets the focus more on combat and not so much on just jumping which I liked very much. I also find it fitting that the intro has no music but some small sound effects would've been good here.
Looks and feels really good to play for a GBA game and I am definitely going to play this as a game for in between.

Really fun game. I liked the simplicity and the gameplay. The difficulty was perfect for me :)