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A member registered Oct 04, 2021

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Have you met sone red orcs yet? And talk to Korg about, or have high friendship with the dulrig? If so.. probably redo it, it might work.

And here a hint, buy some two wines first before talking with dulrig.

I don't know, you probably know about it already

nameless is always giving me this freaking anxiety whenever I choose, like seriously I can't straight on what I will choose.. cause I feel like I'm choosing the wrong ༎ຶ‿༎ຶミ●﹏☉ミ

Hey, can anybody help me on finding pearl's? Like seriously I'd been trying to find this pearl, does anyone know the location of pearl's in LD Just need some help in this one quest.

I just found one event that scared me during my night time gaming on this incredible game, is that one event from nameless. I can't believe he can break the fourth wall that badly, especially during night time while playing this game. I was hella tired and just playing it, but that dang event made me sleep early because of it.😂

I can't seem to enter the wolf den on during day light..I keep trying but it won't also tried at night time, I'd been reading the comments hoping for a tip to pass just keeps saying 'it's too dangerous'..can anyone give a tip to enter it..I already adopted the wolf in the top.