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A member registered Mar 26, 2022

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This comment contains spoilers! If you want to learn the game by yourself, don't read!

(Beginning Level): You started playing and ayumi popped up your screen... She Introduced herself and wanted you to play with her ball....she had an Idea of playing it by using the cup.... It was easy so she made it more difficult... You kept on trying and broke it.... she said a hurtful word but didn't read it properly and you felt suspicious.... she decided to play another game... Simon says! She told you to give her a big smile... then she said "I can see what your doing"...."So you cant fool me!" "Now simon says...Scootch yourself closer to me!" You scootched your self forward and gve you a jumscare! In the 'Scootch yourself backwards" She gave a question: "Ayumi.exe wants acsess to your locaton and files" You pressed 'Acsess'.... She was glitching full your screen. If you pressed 'Block' Her head chopped off... on both of them they say "Boo! Did i scare you? Hehe now for the next one..." "Don't look behind you. ... ." "Don't worry! I didn't say simon says!" "Lets play another game! This one is going to be a challenge! So get ready!" then it says "Try to escape" You tapped the door hundreds of times and get a crack sound of the door so you escaped and this is what she said: "You try and you try to Break the pieces of me you do not like, but you will keep failing until your all dead! And I will be giggling for eternity! (Escape, end)" If you left the escape door she will jumpscare you and say "Thanks for playing <3"

"good ending"


(Secrets): If you Use the ball under the cup through she will say "I don't like pl4ying your way..."

2: If you play the ball with the cup at least 2 times and leave the ball for 7 seconds, she will say (Hold on! Did you know? We were breaking the 4th wall by doing this, you might not understand... but anyway) "Do it" "F****ing kill it!" "You know you want to!" "kill it k i ll t h e n k i l..." and you will be in her house and its a game... Called 'Hide and seek' It says in her wall "How to play: Find me before i find you. If you see red eyes thats bad. Im very quiet to make sure you keep your ears open!   Love Ayumi <3" and if you lose you will get the good ending..If you win she will say "You found me!" "Here is your gift!" A knife and she is sleeping and youll have to chop her with the knife and then... it will say "Alternative ending"

3: Did you see those codes? that had 01011011? and random words? use Its not safe but use it for the random words and for the 01001011 is its also not safe too...

4: To escape, press the hearts in order. 44132. 4: Big heart. 3: middle heart. 2: small heart. 1: really small heart. I think it is and you will enter the "Debug room" yup! Thats right! and she will say these things "This room is for athourized if you are unathourized please leave this area immediately!" and you will have to make changes to ayumi and this is what she will say "I don't know who you are but thank you!" "Im coming daddy!" "TRUE ENDING! Thanks for playing!"

And thats all!

Moonlight <3