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A member registered Mar 06, 2022

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(2 edits)

I found your work on coolmathgames and fell in love. I feel like escape games are as well made as they used to be as of late but you're work has so much love and charm put into it! I also really love that you are using claymation for it! it's so suitable for it that I'm shocked I've never seen anyone do that before you!

I decided to play through your whole library of work and it is awe-inspiring how much you've improved! the puzzles are always inventive and the characters and locations are so charming and other-worldly (I like the MC in this game especially), it is adorable that everything is mimed and silent.

as a fan of yours, I DO have just a single constructive criticism (that I've noticed you're already working on, good job!)  and some suggestions for it but it is just my opinion.

Some of the puzzles can sometimes be unclear, such as the clock puzzle and the circle-number puzzle in the castle basement.  I'm very grateful for the hint system that you have implemented as I wouldn't have been able to pass those sections at all,  that is all good so far, as I could be just too absent-minded to notice the solution. However, I still don't understand how I'm supposed to comprehend the clock puzzle even after the MC explained the hints (not as not understanding the solution, more not understanding how I'm supposed to reach the logic behind the puzzle from the hint.

I've had similar issues with some of your older games (the planet map from Trace, understanding that I'm allowed to turn the x-screwdriver into a - screwdriver from scope), Don't shy away from written hints. I think just having an extra small note (or an example like what you did with the knight's homework! That was a fantastic hint) should do the trick. 

Amazing work and I look forward to playing every single game you release from now on!