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A member registered Feb 13, 2021

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Any new updates on this game?


Is this project Dead?

Thank you for the update!.

I really love the demo of the game so i'm sure i'll love the complete version whenever it's ready. And of course the most important thing is taking care of yourself and going at a pace that doesn't cause mental or physical strain. Thank you for all your work and keep being amazing!

Is this abandoned?

Is this abandoned?

I hope you feel better soon!

Your games are literally my favourite games ever and i keep replaying them every month or so 🤣! Just wanted to let you know, can't wait for the release but take care of yourself first please!

And Thank you for your games!

Hi, can i ask if this is abandoned or still being worked on?

Can you say if they will all be released at once or one by one?

Any update about this game?

Thanks for replying, and no worries, i have absolutely no idea how hard it is to make a game but i can imagine to an extent how difficult and overwhelming it can be. ❤

Take all the time you need to make a good game (quality takes time in my limited experience) and most importantly take care of yourself! 

And i hope you know i ask because i really love what you made so far and want to play the whole game at some point, but like you said an update every once in a while will be appreciated 

Is this abandoned?

I'm really excited to play his route!! Loved every other one so i'm sure i'd love it too

Hello, don't mean to be rude or rush you or something like that but i was wondering if there is any updates about the game progress?

I only ask because on here and on twitter the last updates were in August.

Can't wait to playthe full game!

Seriously can't wait to get my hands on this!!

Hope everything is ok on your end and will wait for this game however long it takes!! It's currently one of my favorite ever wips ❤❤

I really really love this, can't wait for the full game!

Will there be an android release of the full game?

I can't wait to play this game. You do amazing work and i really appreciate the talent involved in making these games!

I'll pray for you and your wife, please take all the time you need for your family to mourn  and deal with the loss.

Hello, was wondering where i can see updates about the release? I checked the website but didn't see anything!

(1 edit)

Hi, this looks amazing!! The game is great and the artwork is  gorgeous ❤

Please don't think i'm being rude but i wanted to know how far along the patreon version is, i wanted to support you and play  a bit more but since i have limited extra money i just wanted to know if i should do it this month or maybe wait a couple more. I really like this so far and can't wait to buy the completed game! 

I don't have words to describe how much i love this game already! 😭❤😍

Thank you so much for replying and sorry for the bother! I really love this game and can't wait for the rest

This is such a great game!! I have a question though, on patreon which tier do i need to pay for to access the game's progress and updated demo? It wasn't obvious to me by checking the patreon tiers

Thqnks for the quick reply!! I really enjoyed the game and was really dissapointed when i couldn't find anywhere to follow you om other than here. ❤

Is this abandoned? The tumblr and twitter accounts don't exist.

Hi, is this the full game?


Been waiting for this!! Playing it today. Congrats on the release!!!