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Moogles YT

A member registered Jan 16, 2021

Recent community posts

what is the game about?

pls can dev respond, so once u have had fun with the goose, how do u get it to go away is there are way to turn it on and off?


yay thank god :D

good, shame tho


hi this game is cool but i have a few ideas that u might like,

it would be rlly cool if u could paint the buggy, even if it was 5 colours and also maybe a better engine sound idk how u would do that but there are a few good ones on the internet

maybe in teh future

nvm my pc couldnt run it idk why

(1 edit)

hi person, i was wondering if u had a good screenshot of the game for a youtube vid cuz i am not good at thumbnails. if u could reply soon that would be great :D oh and dont worry i know its a demo so i will say that its not the finished thing