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chara ♥

A member registered Jan 23, 2021

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(2 edits)

Just a little bug report, since this doesn't seem to be intentional: After going through the whole start and leaving Nogas the first time I ignored the forest and the dog. I came back after joining the gangs and completing the quests in Greyfold and went to the forest and since I couldn't fight the wolves, I had to leave the dog for dead.

After I did this and returned to Nogas it seemed the town had reset. I was able to talk to all the characters that were there at the start as if nothing had happened to lead to Greyfold. Derek and Frank were back in the bar but the caravan was also there as an option. Derek had no options when I went to talk to him since obviously he's supposed to have run off somewhere after I spoke to him again in Greyfold.

It looks to me like doing anything with the dog in the forest somehow resets Nogas.