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Monte Boyd

A member registered Apr 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I hope you are right! :)

Yes all hires! Still working on the game. Watch this space for updates.

Thank you! The finish line is getting closer if I can keep the momentum going.

(1 edit)

Thanks. :) Been on a little dev break due to life stuff but hopefully looking at a 2024 release for infeZtation.

Thank you!

Slowly. ;)

TBC. But probably around the same as Knights and Slimes.

Thanks for the suggestions! I probably won't have the enemies come through the rotating sections, unless I can think of a clever way to optimise checking if they are open or closed.

The player jumping out of the top of the screen is a good idea. But would need ensure the collision detection with the background still happens within the bounds of the screen. I'll see if I can get that to work at a later stage.

Thanks for the comment!

Thanks, I'm enjoying the process, but also looking forward to having it finished! ;)

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you!

Thanks! Yes I’ll be sure to include more music for my next game. :)

Thank you! :)

I haven't created one but there is one on

Can you email me the code and I’ll check it out? monte [at]

Or if you’re on Twitter, you can message me there:

Thanks. Could be that the bug is in Windows Vice as well. One thing to check, in Settings > Cartridges > EasyFlash, make sure you have “Optimize image when saving” turned off. 

And are you using v1.02?

It could also be a bug with the game, but the only thing that would leave you with no progress would be if it happened after 256 saves when it erases the sector. Did you see if the border flashed before during a save before you lost progress? The flash happens when the sector is being erased.

That is not intended behaviour. What are you playing on? I have encountered a bug in Vice on Mac where EasyFlash saves are lost occasionally. But it appears to be a bug with Vice itself.

Thank you for the clarification. :) It certainly would be pretty easy to have the intro and menu soundtrack appear on the other stages, but they would be very repetitive by themselves. I’d like to try and create some more music, maybe based of the intro+menu loops. I’ll see what I can do.

Thank you! I’ll admit that music is not my strength. Maybe I’ll get some time to do some more for an update, but I’m not sure.

Thank you!

Thank you! I’m really pleased you like both games. I’m not stopping any time soon! :)

Thank you, very kind! I’ve had quite a few tips going along with purchases so that’s been really nice. But I’m not in it for the money. ;)

Thank you. There have been a few requests for a disk version so I may look into it but no promises. ;)

Thanks for playing! It would be possible to do a disk version, but would potentially have long loading times and wouldn’t be a great experience. It was planned as crt from the beginning so would be a bit of work to change to dusk loading.

Thank you!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Wow, great long play. Thank you!

Thank you!


Thanks for all your help!

Yep, it works on NTSC.

Thanks so much!

A physical version is possible but no confirmed plans at the moment.

Sorry about that. It does mention it is a cart image in the description but I’ll make it clearer.

No sorry. Makes too much use of fast ROM switching that you get with cart.


Thank you!