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A member registered Jun 26, 2017

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Gave the game a go tonight and it's exactly what I've been looking for, bar one thing - VR support. 

Played a lot of flight games recently using my X52 Pro and really want an AC like game with HOTAS support and so far this is fantastic. 

Being frustrated with the utter lack of arcade flight games, I actually started building one last night. Admittedly I only spent an hour or so in UE4 but got my HOTAS working through the raw input plugin, and got a modified VR version of the flight template running with full pitch/roll/yaw/throttle (rather than  the wierd yaw/roll combo it has by default).

Then I discovered your work.

Id love to help add basic VR/Vive support for you if that's something you'd consider (as long as you're using blueprints - been a Dev for 10yrs but as an artist with a fair bit of experience with BPs).