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A member registered Jun 23, 2023

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you quite literally said it perfectly  

will there be rape  no 

what a gigachad

IDK what type of art style this is but its dark and gritty i like it 

(1 edit)

really high quality👍especially since  your a indie dev (or are you guys a team 🤷‍♂️)really good animations blew me away when i first saw them  and very nice world building! and also wanted to know is it when enough bad options that have been selected that a girl drops you or is it specific choices? also Lily best any other opinion is wrong. 

i have a proposition for a secret ending please come and yap with me because i think its a cool concept

im a demon bru ima a goon bra im ravinus bro

thank you so much for the tip!😊

i just got watching the pain ark then i see a pain gender bend and i audibly said N      a what like that ginger dude in that meme


i always run games with nothing in the back round and this problem still persists  and Im trying not to be mean but i can deduce that English might not be your first language because i cannot understand what you said your grammar  really of but i feel you are knowledgeable Im just trying to make sure we understand each other and i can get this problem fixed but thank you for trying to help me anyways😊

is there a mod menu/debug menu or something to make sure my games working ok because my game crashes some times at pivotal moments and i get sab😭

sab :(


do you know the discord for this game?

what's the discord?


is there a mod page or is it a manual do it yourself thing?