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A member registered Feb 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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I worked on this game and if we had more time I would have liked to add additional levels and also add a death animation for when the player hits a spike and dies. 

Overall I had a great experience and learned a lot from building this game! It was great fun and it came a long way from the demo stages!

Great game!! I really like the assets that you used and the idea of using a joystick makes it easier to maneuver! It looks incredibly professional! Well done guys!

I really like the idea of the game and how far it came from the demo I got to play in class! I really like the background and how each level has a different one! 

The only comment and change I would make is to have the background pictures a little clearer and less pixeled out! 

But overall great game and great idea!

I really like how engaging the game is, as you continuously have to pay attention at which decision you want to make which will alter the course of the game. 

The only improvement which I think could be made is with the background, possibly have some clearer images. 

But otherwise great game!

I really like the color contrast and the idea of this game! I really enjoyed playing it. I also really like how when you die it gives you your stats so you know what you need to do when you play again to avoid that!

Overall, a lot of fun and really well done!

The game looks amazing! I thought it was super well done! I love the idea of having a map in order for the player to know where it has to go in the world. I also like the possibility that there are different difficulty choices at the beginning so the player is able to familiarize themselves with the game before playing a more challenging level. Overall, great job! 

I love this game! I really like the music the aesthetic and especially how when the player shoots an enemy, the enemy pixels in colors before it dies. I really like the idea of the mini games in order to solve a puzzle to complete the game. 

I love your itch page and trailer, really well done! It looks super professional!

I really like the idea behind this game! I think it is very clever and different.  I like how we get to explore different emotions the character is going through . Everything ties in really well and really brings the idea to life. In addition, I really like how each level has something you have to do before moving onto the next level such as level1 you have to find a key within a certain amount of time. This gives it an added challenge which makes the game even more fun to play!

Overall really well done!

I worked on this game and I think for the future we could add more mini games which help the player transition from water to land. Possibly have the possibility for the player to go from the water onto the island and then into the land and from the land into an indoor scene. 

I really liked the idea of the game. I loved the assets that you guys used! Everything worked! I particularly like the fact that there are different options for escaping the prison. I think the attention to detail in this game is amazing and everything looks super well done!

I really like the idea of the game!It was something very different, and it was very refreshing. I thought everything tied in nicely and the aesthetic is very nice.

This game is incredibly well done! The theme is really cool and everything ties in together from the music, to the sound effects, to the background, assets and lighting used. It was really fun to play and I really like how the player gets teleported onto the next level!

I really like the theme of the game! I love the sprite of the little wizard I think it really cute and I also really like the how it collects gems! It all fits really well into the theme. 

I think it would be helpful or useful to have a score ui, so we can keep track of how many gems we have collected. In addition, at some points I had some trouble jumping and moving forward at the same time which sometimes made it challenging to jump onto platforms above the ground platform. 

But overall, well done! I loved the theme and the sprites!

I love the idea of the snowball and I think the sprite is super well done! I really like how it moves from side to side depending on which arrow key you click. 

I also really like the fact that we can speed up, I thought that was a nice touch. 

Sometimes I feel like I cant see where I am going to fall, so having a more zoomed out view would be really helpful and would make it easier to get through the levels!

Otherwise great job!

The love the sprites in this game, especially the ninja! I thought it was super well done! I really like the idea that it has to collect the bullets. I think this is an added challenge when fighting off the enemy. Because otherwise you have to fight it off yourself rather than firing a bullet.  

I really like how we can keep track of how many lives we have left and how many bullets we have collected. 

It was really fun to play! Well done! 

I really like the aesthetic of the game! I think the everything ties in really nicely. 

I had a lot of fun playing through each level and I really like how it gets progressively more difficult. I especially liked level3 where different types of enemies were included. 

Sometimes it was quite challenging to jump and kill the enemy, which made me want to try again!

I really like the character of the game! I think it was really well done. I really like the different states the character takes. I though that was a really cool addition. 

One possibility for the future is that you guys could make the platforms something else in order for them to fit in more with the game. Additionally, you could add more enemies to make it more challenging. 

Overall super fun, and well done!