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A member registered Oct 19, 2020

Recent community posts

im gay 

how does the warmup thing work

i think i was able to play a little farther before it crashed

game crashed again

love the overhaul in the graphics 

when will the next update be?

that's actually really cool

it gives me a gray screen with a robot face or something

so how will that work with gaining currency for another game

i found a typo on the yellow gem it says "spawm" instead of "spawn"

game crashes after a certain point 

pretty cool but i dont know what we are gaining or why we would want to block the square after we unblobked it


im a little confused on how thr sprinkler works

how do i unequip spells

why when i loo at other images posted here they have the pulseation upgrade but when i buy it mine dissaperes

im stuck 

when will version 1.0 comeout its been over a year

cant use the baterys

i played those they were really good too

do you have any other good puzzle game slike this?

im suck on the level where there is 5 purple blocks and 1 white one and the white is on the left side and the purple are on the right and i can move one purple up only and one i can move anyweare

any hints on the secret areas?

13 is confusing

what do we do at the final experiment

thanks but the hit still dont help

a.7 is really hard i cant figure it out

i dont get the hint

you need to move it down but I cant make a loop because it ends up in the same place

please help me on A.7

the A section on hard lol

okay so do i need to unlock the fast travel to be able to get the button

i fugured that its confusing

ima come back to that later just trying to get passed A.7 is hard

i cant figure out the bomb that is next to the button next to b.19 and the A.2 button A.7

got the b.19 bomb but i dont know about the other one

and im stumped on the one that is also next to b.19 on the otherside of the button

if you get a block from A1 you can only push it in front of the ladder witch I think is useless or you can unlock the fast travel and push the block forward when you get off of the conveyer but then I cant figure it out

i got it im tryna figure out how to get the buttons next to B.16

(1 edit)

and i dont get the point of the boom that in stuck next to the ladder block  i found out what to do but i don't know how to do it without blowing up the boom next to the ladder please help