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Just Kristie

A member registered Jun 14, 2018 · View creator page →

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it's been 7 months since i last played this game x.x there are so many new characters, i'm so confused. i hope i will have time to explore all

yes i have asked him this many times to play the game,but he always resists also avoid to stream it. but yea, lets hope there will be vids of our strobovski game.

oh my o.o

its been a while since I played this game and see all posting characters and stuff.. I guess gotta take a look finally into this game again 

im there too? woah o.o


Hi for all winners in this game from running Viktor :) 

im jealous tho x.x

im very bad at chemistry especially with calculating but i like experimenting. so, you might be more dangerous than mr. Viktor.

(1 edit)

this.. is something.. fabulous..

tho, why the death screen is just a flashing white screen, thought it will be the character's face zoomed in or smth

thanks. i happily drew it because finished game finally

well i'm glad it's just accidentally. because i just finally finished strobovski 1st level lol after so many weeks of trying yay. Hi.

please nooo :c

love it xd

Welp, I just get inspired to draw and write stories about this Viktor boy xd. 

Since you updated mr. mix call delay, i'm not that scared to play this game, more like, i have great fun teasing Viktor with muffins lol. Yet, what's with mr. cleany? When i got in punishment room, he sometimes just stays there. He also gets punished xd? but yea, it's fun overall.

hey. I really like this game, even though i have no guts to play it alone, i easily get scared by jumpscare. Viktor is my favourite here but mr. Mix scares me the most with his evil face hah. Despite all, I really enjoy this horror, glad I finished high school so not gonna face any maths anymore. Anyway, here's a fanart from me, because i'm really lovin' this game.