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A member registered Oct 23, 2022

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(´。• ▿ •。`) ♡

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huhuhu r*u i see you you're just as suspicious as before ANYWAYS I LOVED THIS THE LIL FUJIWARA BITTERSWEET REFRENCES AND IM SO HAPPY AND RELIEVED THAT R*US FRIEND (wont name him bcs of spoilers) ACTUALLY GOT TO OPEN A SHOP OF HIS OWN ( specially since hes my favourite from fujiwara) THANK YOU FOR THIS CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL GAME! sorry for the caps i was too excited and happy- also the blooming panic refrences~

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The game was so cute I actually wasn't expecting the story to be like this so I was pleasantly surprised. It was soooo gooood thank you for this!(╥ ᴗ ╥)

I just noticed the mysta rias poster he has </3

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thank you for the remake!! ^^

I played the old one before and loved it now this imma go simp for jeremy again 

the way i got all the bad endings after playing for 8 hrs had me depressed for a minute but still i enjoyed this so muchhh