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A member registered 22 days ago

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Hi Charlie,

Thank you for the info, I'll give that a shot.    That said I think my question wasn't described properly.   

For example if I zero canvas and machine to the top of the canvas in the lower left ( making all x, y positive and all z actions negative ).  

When I start the g-code it sends the machine up to some set Z height above the canvas / workpiece.  How is that height defined?   From my observations ( machine and simulation ) this height was more than the "Rapid Height" but I couldn't find where, or if it could be adjusted.

-- Nate

Hi All,  I'm new to Pixel CNC and hoping someone here can point me in the direction of a solution.   

I'm just starting with the built in tutorials ( the flag ) and wanted to go ahead and trial that out on my CNC.   The issue I'm having is that I can't seem to tell PixelCNC to limit the Z upward movement for starting location.

When looking at the simulation ( different operations tested )  it appears that the G codes goes to a plus 2 inch Z from zero level.    

Where can I set that lower, can it be set relative from the top of the canvas?    

Thanks in advance!

- Nate